서울대학교 아시아연구소는 아시아 전문 연구자들에게 연구공간과 소정의 연구지원비 제공을 통해 아시아관련 우수 연구를 지원하고, 아시아연구소 소속 연구자들과의 교류를 활성화하는 방문학자 펠로우십 프로그램을 운영하고 있습니다. 아시아연구소 방문학자 펠로우십 프로그램은 2018년 3월부터 시작되어, 6개월 단위로 운영됩니다. 아시아연구소 방문학자 펠로우십 수혜자는 공개모집을 통해 이루어집니다.


사진-Dylan Motin

Dylan Motin holds a Ph.D. in political science. He is currently a Non-resident Kelly Fellow at the Pacific Forum. His research expertise revolves around international relations theory, and his main interests are balance-of-power theory, great power competition, and Korean affairs. He is the author of Territorial Expansion and Great Power Behavior during the Cold War: A Theory of Armed Emergence (Routledge, 2025) and Bandwagoning in International Relations: China, Russia, and Their Neighbors (Vernon Press, 2024).


Ki-Chul Park received a Ph.D. from the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Korea University after graduating from the Korea Military Academy and the United States Army CBRN School. Since coming to the Blue House and the Joint Chiefs of Staffs,  Colonel(r) Park, Ki-Chul has been assigned a number of core responsibilities regarding WMD policy. The most recent research included: “United Nations, Indo-Pacific Security and the Korean Peninsula: An Emerging Architecture” edited, (Routledge Press, 2023); “The ROKUS EDSCG Evaluation and Issues” (The Diplomat, 2022). Currently, he is serving as an adjunct professor for Department of Global Cooperation at Sookmyung Women’s University.


Heeryoon Shin is Assistant Professor of Art History and Visual Culture at Bard College, New York. Her current project explores architectural revival, mobility, and cross-cultural exchange in early colonial India through the lens of temple architecture in the pilgrimage city of Banaras. She is also developing a second project on the global circulation of blue and white ceramics and their interaction with local production and use in South Asia. Shin received her PhD in the History of Art from Yale University.


Geum-Young Song is Professor of Graduate School of International Studies, Dong-A University. His academic interests have been Russian Foreign Policy and Central Asian Regional Politics.

프로필 사진_라연재

Yeonjae Ra is a folklorist specializing in food studies and cultural anthropology. She earned her Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Korean Studies (folklore), where her dissertation examined how each entrepreneur’s banal national sentiments and aesthetics have shaped Korean food. Her current research includes ethnographic methods to explore culinary practices and gastronomical foodscapes.

프로필 사진_김유성

Yusung Kim specializes in visual culture, media ecology, and techno-environment in East Asian everyday lives. She received her Ph.D. from the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University in November 2023. Her doctoral dissertation is about the visual and techno-cultures of cold war South Korea and Japan by focusing on displays of new environments in the forms of three-dimensional models and miniatures. In her dissertation, Kim explores futurity as geopolitical temporalities of dreams envisioned and molded in South Korean and Japanese media during the cold war.

프로필_Phung Chi Kien

Phung Chi Kien, PhD, is a lecturer of political science at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University (VNU-USSH). His studies mainly focus on international political relations, world political institutions, and Vietnam foreign policy. He is the author of International Political Relations in the Period 1945-1946 and the Impacts on Vietnam (2020) and co-author of Populism in World Politics and Recommendations for Vietnam (2023). His book Bipolar or Multipolar? International Political Relations (1945-1955) and the Correlations with the Vietnamese Revolution and Book chapter Scenarios for Korean Reunification: The Status Quo, Prospects, and Implications from the Case of Vietnam are forthcoming.

Sungeun Kim is a historian and anthropologist of earth and environmental sciences. He earned his Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). His dissertation project, “Territorial Science: Producing Geoscientific Knowledge and Geopolitical Order around the Korean Peninsula,” examines how various territorial concerns in and around modern Korea have shaped the course of atmospheric science, oceanography, and geology in this region. His research interests include the role of environmental knowledge in modern territorial politics, the history of earth sciences in East Asia, and ethnographies of field sciences.

Liang Meihua_펠로우

Liang Meihua is a Visiting Scholar at the Seoul National University Asia Center (SNUAC). She received her Ph.D. in International Relations from Seoul National University. While researching her dissertation, Liang has served as a Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute for Far Eastern Studies, Kyungnam University. Dr. Liang’s areas of research include Korea Peninsular Issue, Chinese & North Korean Foreign Policy, IR theories. Her research at the SNUAC focuses on Sino-Russian Relations and North Korea’s Strategy.

Jeeye Song focuses on historical International Relations broadly, and more specifically, diplomatic encounters between the West and the non-West, the transformation of the “Chinese World Order,” and the concept of sovereignty under colonialism. Her prospective book project, Treaty-Making and Colonization in East Asia: Vietnam and Korea in the 19th Century, examines the treaty relations that Vietnam and Korea entered into with Western countries in the 19th century, which transformed the pre-existing East Asian regional order. During the fellowship at SNUAC, she plans to examine Vietnam’s foreign policy in the 20th century as part of her next project.

Khan Olga_펠로우

Olga Khan Valerevna graduated from National College of Arts of Uzbekistan, National University of Uzbekistan (Philosophy). Earned her MFA and PhD (Filmmaking, Film Studies) from Chung-Ang University. She has published papers in peer-reviewed journals indexed at international bases (EBSCO, Web of Science, Russian Science Citation Index, etc.). Research interests are in cultural/visual anthropology, Korean diaspora studies, gender issues, and filmmaking. Best Young Scientist of CIS in 2022 according to Association of the National Movement Bobek (Kazakhstan), Laureate of Young Korean Writers Competition in Uzbekistan, Best Director Award winner at the II National Short Film Festival in Uzbekistan, CESS Board Member since 2023.


소속: 아시아연구소

연구주제: 탈세계화 시대 중국 공세적 산업정책의 지역적 이행: 중국 광둥성 ICT 제조업 산업정책을 중심으로

[브라운백세미나] 중국 공세적 산업정책의 지역적 이행: 광둥성 ICT 제조업 산업정책을 중심으로



소속: Stony Brook University, State University of New York

연구주제: Democracy x Women’s Liberation x Collectivism: Building a Feminist Art History in South Korea

[브라운백세미나] Articulating the Aesthetics of Democracy and Women’s Liberation: The Quest for a Decolonial Art History in South Korea



소속: 대외경제정책연구원

연구주제: 일본의 경제안보전략과 한일 공급망 협력의 가능성 연구

[브라운백세미나] 국제정세의 새로운 전개와 한일경제협력의 방향


소속: 아시아연구소

연구주제: 전후 오키나와에서의 자연 관리와 지역정체성의 재구성



소속: 비교문화연구소

연구주제: 유령도시에서 이민도시로: 경제개발구 이후 새로운 예외공간의 형성

[브라운백세미나] 중국의 유령도시와 지속가능성, 예외공간의 형성



소속: 복단대학교

연구제목: 15-16세기 동북아 해역도자 교류의 양상 변화 연구 – 일본 하카타 상인의 중국, 조선자기 유통을 중심으로-

[다양성+아시아] 명나라 도자기를 한반도에 가져온 일본 하카타(博多) 상인

[브라운백세미나] 문화매개자: 박다(博多) 상인의 15~16세기 동북아 도자 유통



소속: 목원대학교

연구제목: 요대 공예품에서 나타나는 이슬람 문화의 흔적 찾기

[브라운백세미나] 움직이는 국가(行國), 요나라 오경(遼五京)의 건설과 불탑 건립


소속: 창원대학교

연구제목: 아세안지역의 한류와 문화교류: 문화혼종성 이론의 비판적 검토와 문화근접성이론의 재해석

[브라운백세미나] 신자유주의적 사실주의와 포스트모더니티 한류: 넷플릭스 K-drama 과 MZ세대를 중심으로

Lucia Rud

소속: University of Buenos Aires / CONICET Argentina

연구제목: Transnationalism and Cross-cultural Connections between East Asian and Argentine Contemporary Film and Literature

[브라운백세미나] Defining (East) Asian–Latin American cinema and literature

Mehtap Kara

Mehtap Kara

소속: Bahçeşehir Cyprus University

연구제목: Hedging Strategy of Turkey, India, and South Korea in Great Power Competition

[브라운백세미나] Hedging Strategy of Turkey in Great Power Competition


소속: KOTRA아카데미

연구제목: 베트남 다시알기 시리즈-문화편 

[브라운백 세미나] 베트남 고전의 활용: <취교전,Truyện Kiều>을 중심으로


소속: 베이징대학교 한반도연구센터

연구제목: “맑스-레닌주의의 창조적 적용”노선의 제기와 정치적 함의: 1950년대 북한의 지도사상 및 선전노선 변화를 중심으로

[브라운백 세미나] “맑스-레닌주의의 창조적 적용”노선과 정치적 함의


소속: 2050 지역전환랩

연구제목: 이익공유형 커먼즈로서 마을자치연금 사례연구

[브라운백 세미나] 서울의 사회혁신정책, 도전과 미완의 여정


소속: 아시아연구소 서아시아센터

연구제목: AKP의 여성운동에 대한 태도와 정책을 통해 본 터키의 정치 이슬람 연구

[브라운백 세미나] AKP 여성운동에 대한 태도와 정책을 통해 본 튀르키예의 정치 이슬람

[다양성+아시아] 튀르키예 여성의 현재 그리고 정치 이슬람



소속: 서울대 아시아연구소

연구제목: 新냉전기 중국의 한반도 전략과 한국의 대응 전략

[브라운백 세미나] 북한 핵실험 이후 중국-북한 관계

Intan_Universiti Malaysia Perlis

Intan Maizura Abdul Rashid

소속: Universiti Malaysia Perlis

FDI Inflows in Agriculture, Agriculture Growth and Poverty in South Korea and North Korea” & Adopting New Heritage Model for Ecotourism Plan in National Key Economic Areas to Improve Sector and UNESCO sites: Case of North Korea and South Korea

Rohit Negi

소속: Ambedkar University Delhi

A Comparative Political Ecology of Air: Delhi and Seoul