아시아연구소 방문학자세미나는 매년 봄학기 프로그램 (3월-8월)과 가을학기 프로그램 (9월-2월)으로 운영된다.
방문학자세미나는 방문학자들이 자유로운 형식으로 연구진행 상황을 나누고, 의견을 교환하는 자리로, 해당 주제에 관심을 가지고 있는 사람은 누구나 참여가 가능하다.
각 세미나는 발표자 소속 기관에 대한 5분 내외의 소개와 약 20분간의 주제 발표, 그리고 참여자들과의 토론으로 이루어진다.
SNUAC Visiting Scholars Brown Bag Seminar Series runs through the academic year: Spring Program (March to August) and Autumn Program (September to February).
All visiting scholars are expected to share their research progress and exchange ideas in informal setting seminars.
Each seminar roughly consists of 1) introduction of home institution of the presenter (5min), 2) topic presentation (20min), 3) discussion with other participants (25min) and is open to the public.

2024 Fall SNUAC Brown Bag Seminar
Seeking a Solution to the Border Disputes in Central Asia
Geumyoung Song (Dong-A Univ.)
October 22th, 2024. 12:00-13:00

Fluctuating Mosaic of Socio-spatial Inequalities in Contemporary Pyongyang
Pavel Em (EHESS)
November 5th, 2024. 12:00-13:00

Defining National Cuisine in Asian and Oriental Cookbook
Yeonjae Ra(Graduate School of Korean Studies)
November 12th, 2024. 12:00-13:00

Voluntary Stopping of Eating & Drinking
Youngsoon Yang (SNUAC)
November 19th, 2024. 12:00-13:00

The Indochina Wars in Retrospect: The Correlations with the Korean War and Implications for Korean Unification
Phung Chi Kien(VNU-USSH)
December 3rd, 2024. 11:00-12:00

2024 Spring SNUAC Brown Bag Seminar
Testing the Substitutability of U.S. Alliances and Arms
Jinmyeong Lee (SNUAC)
April 2, 2024. 12:00-13:00

Vietnam’s Foreign Policy during the Cold War (1976-1990)
Jeeye Song (SNU-IIS)
April 16, 2024. 12:00-13:00

The Knowledge Politics of Border-crossing Particulate Matter in East Asia
Seongun Kim (KAIST)
April 23, 2024. 12:00-13:00

At the Boundary of Travel and Migration: The Visa Run Experience of Temporary Sojourners in Korea
Daeun Lee (National University of Singapore)
May 7, 2024. 12:00-13:00

North Korea’s Solidarity with China and Russia: An Analysis of Congratulatory Messages (2012-2023)
Meihua Liang (SNUAC)
May 14, 2024. 12:00-13:00

Identity and Belonging in Films of Uzbekistani Koryo-saram
Olga Khan(SNUAC)
May 21, 2024. 12:00-13:00

SinoUS Strategic Competition & the Republic of Korea
Bumhym Bek (SNUAC)
May 28, 2024. 12:00-13:00

Examining the Burmese Term ‘Takyoke’ and Its Connection to ‘China’ from a Eurasian Perspective
Hojai Jung(SNUAC)
June 4th, Thursday, 2024, 12:00 – 13:00

2023 Fall SNUAC Brown Bag Seminar
Hedging Strategy of Turkey in Great Power Competition
Mehtap Kara (Bahçeşehir Cyprus University)
October 10th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

Introduction to the history of Korean liberalism in the 20th century – Is the individual the modern subject in Asia?
Sanghyun Yoon (Kyungnam University)
October 24th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

Korea-Japan Cooperation under the New International Order
Sung Chun Jung (Korean Institute for International Economic Policy)
October 31st (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

Caring for uncommon bodies in yoseba: Commoning through indifferent care and working together
Kyoung-Ae Han (SNUAC)
November 7th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

Articulating the Aesthetics of Democracy and Women’s Liberation: The Quest for a Decolonial Art History in South Korea
Sohl C. Lee (SUNY)
November 14th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

Bilingual Dictionaries in East Timor: Focusing on the Korean-Tetum Dictionary
Chang Won Choi (East Timor Institute of Business)
November 21st (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

Ghost Cities, Sustainability, and Spaces of Exception in China
Hae Young Chung (ICCS)
November 28th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

Local Implementation of Aggressive Industrial Policy in China: A Focus on Guangdong ICT Industrial Policy
Kyungjin Lee (SNUAC)
December 12th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

Leveraging Carbon Trading for Sustainable Development in Africa: A Win-Win Partnership with Korea
Kent Kamasumba (Bridge of Hope Foundation)
December 19th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

2023 Spring SNUAC Brown Bag Seminar
The Return of Strong Men: The Resurgence of Authoritarian Politics in the Middle East
Speaker : Soyeon Ahn (Visiting Research Fellow, SNUAC)
Date: April 18th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

The Construction of the Five capital cities and the Buddhist pagodas of the Liao dynasty as mobile states
Speaker: Suhyoung Sung (Affiliated Professor, Mokwon University)
Date: April 25th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

Analyzing Neoliberal Discourse in the Youth Narrative and SquidGame
Speaker: Dongjoon Lee (Lecturer, Changwon University)
Date: May 2nd (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

Defining Asian-Latin American cinema and literature
Speaker: Lucia Rud (Researcher, CONICET/University of Buenos Aires)
Date: May 9th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

The Cultural Mediators: Circulation of Ceramics by Hakata Merchants in East Asia in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Speaker: Gowoon Sung (Postdoctoral Researcher, Fudan University)
Date: May 16th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

Critical Minerals and the Rise of Greeen Industrial Policy: South Korea in Comparative Perspective
Speaker: Jewellord Nem Singh (Assistant Professor, International Institute of Social Studies)
Date: May 23rd (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

Policy recommendations to establish future oriented relationships with ASEAN through economic cooperation and development
Speaker: Dongman Han (Former Abassador to the Phillippines, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Date: May 30th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

2022 Fall SNUAC Brown Bag Seminar
A Dilemma of Social Integrity in Vietnam: Focussing on Ethnic Minorities Policy
Speaker : Doo-Chul Kim (Professor, Okayama University)
Date: September 27th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

China-North Korea Relationship After Pyongyang’s Nuclear Test
Speaker: Jie, Haebum (Visiting Research Fellow, Seoul National University Asia Center)
Date: October 18th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

Vietnamese Perception of Reality and “Truyen Kieu” by Nguyen Du
Speaker: Jang Jin (Professor, KOTRA Academy)
Date: November. 1st (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

From Liberation Space to Post-Liberation: The Lives and Activities of Early North Korean Musicians (1945-1953)
Speaker: Peter G. Moody (Doctoral Candidate, East Asian Languages and Cultures studies, Columbia University
Date: November. 8th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

The Korean Cultural Heritage in France – The Case of Guimet National Museum of Asian Arts’ Collection.
Speaker: CHAE-DUPORGE Okyang (Maître de conférences à l’(Associate Professor), ’université Bordeaux Montaigne)
Date: November. 15th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

Introduction of the Creative Application of Marxism-Leninism and Its Political Implications
Speaker: Gyubeom Kim (Researcher, Center for Korean Peninsula Studies at Peking University)
Date: November. 22nd (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

A Study on Political Islam in Türkiye in view of AKP’s Stance and Policy on Women’s Movement
Speaker: Han, Ha eun (Visiting Research Fellow, West Asia Center, Seoul National University Asia Center)
Date: November. 29th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

The Challenges and Unfinished Journey of Social Innovation Policy in Seoul Metropolitan Government
Speaker: Jeong Seon Ae (Special Consultant, Seed:s)
Date: December. 6th (Tue.) 12:00-13:00

2022 Spring SNUAC Brown Bag Seminar
Indian Community in Singapore and its Implication for Korea’s New Southern Policy
Speaker : Ahn, Youngjip (The former Korean ambassador to Singapore and Greece, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea)
Date: March 30 (Wed.) 12:00-13:00

A Comparative Study on Land Reform in North Korea and North Vietnam
Speaker: Hyun Jong Noh (Ph.D. Seoul National University/ Academic Planner, Unification and Future Academy)
Date: April 13 (Wed.) 12:00-13:00

Mutual Perception and Invisible Boundaries in Asia: A Comparative Analysis of South Korea and Other Asian Countries in Perceiving National Influence and Individual Acceptance
Speaker: Jiyoon Kim (Research Fellow, Institute of Media Arts, Yonsei University)
Date: April 20 (Wed.) 12:00-13:00

Police Accountability System: The Horizontal Diffusion of Oversight from a Comparative Perspective
Speaker: Jihyun Kwon (Doctoral Candidate, Vanier Scholar
Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies
University of Toronto)
Date: April 27 (Wed.) 12:00-13:00

The Juche City of Pyongyang Under the Power of Marketization
Speaker: Pavel P. Em (Ph.D. Moscow State University/ Visiting Research Fellow, Seoul National University Asia Center)
Date: May 11 (Wed.) 12:00-13:00

“Cross the Yalu River and Fight against American Imperialism” A Chongqing Case Study of the CCP’s Radio-based Propaganda on the Korean War
Speaker: Sanjiao Tang (Ph.D. degree, University of Auckland / Visiting Research Fellow, Seoul National University Asia Center)
Date: May 18 (Wed.) 12:00-13:00

Model Military Museums: North Korean Art & Diplomacy in Egypt
Speaker: Karlee Bergendorff (Ph.D. Candidate, Duke University/ Visiting Scholar, Seoul National University Asia Center)
Date: May 25 (Wed.) 12:00-13:00

A Comparative Study on Mountain Culture among Korea, China and Japan: Focused on Mountain Myth and Historical Nature of Mt. Jirisan, Taishan and Fujisan·Hakusan
Speaker: Jungwon Park (Principal of Korea National Mountaineering Center)
Date: June 8 (Wed.) 12:00-13:00

Skilled Migrants and their Encounters with different Care and Employment Regimes: Childcaring among highly Skilled Female Migrants from Korea in Germany
Speaker: Jaok Kwon (Centre for East Asian Studies, Heidelberg University)
Date: June 22 (Wed.) 12:00-13:00

2021 Spring SNUAC Brown Bag Seminar
1) City Pop and the Birth of Asian Urban Sensibility: focusing on Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Korea
Speaker: Eunyeong Kim (Ph.D., Stanford University)
Date: October 26 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
2) The Banner Years: Art, Spectacle, and Politics in the Inter-Korean Marches for Reunification of the Early 1990s
Speaker: Douglas Gabriel (Getty/ACLS Postdoctoral Fellow)
Date: November 9 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
3) Critical Pedagogy and Socio-Political Issues in Foreign / Second Language (FL/SL) Education: Focusing on East Asia
Speaker: Ho Jung Choi (Princeton University)
Date: November 16 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
4) ASEAN’s Green Infrastructure Investment Trends: Philippine Case Study
Speaker: Dong-man Han (Korea National Diplomatic Academy Center for ASEAN and India Studies)
Date: November 25 (Thurs) 12:00-13:00
2021 Spring SNUAC Brown Bag Seminar
1) The Classical Rabbinic Literature : The Mishnah Studies
Speaker: Changmo Choi (Konkuk University Emeritus Professor)
Date: April 20 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
2) Limitation of Lebanon’s Public Education Policy Implementation: Focusing on the Education of Syrian Refugee Students
Speaker: Kyungsoo Lee (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
Date: April 27 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
3) Literary Flourish in the Adjudication of Homicide Cases: Analyzing the Structure and Purpose of Closing Statements (palsa) and Decision Statements (chesa) in late Chosŏn Inquest Records (kŏman)
Speaker: Tony Qian (Fulbright U.S. Scholar)
Date: May 4 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
4) ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Frame Work and New Southern Policy Plus
Speaker: : Yohan Lee (Yonsei University)
Date: May 11 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
5) The UN International Investment-Sustainable Development Nexus during the Rise of ESG Investments
Speaker: Soo-hyun Lee (Sweden Lund University + UNDP)
Date: May 25 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
6) Indian Auto Component Industry’s Global Supply Chain Incorporation Strategy and Korean Companies’ Application Plan
Speaker: Dong Seok Choi (Gwangju Metropolitan City)
Date: June 1 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
7) How Smart Cities Strengthen the Social Fabric: A Tale of Four Cities
Speaker: Juhyun Lee (SNU Graduate School of Environmental Studies BK21 Plus, Korean National Committee for UN-Habitat)
Date: June 8 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
2020 FALL Asia Square Brown Bag Seminar
1) Korea’s international development cooperation for developing Myanmar -Focus on KOICA project
Speaker: Do Chan Bae (University of Yangon)
Date: October 20 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
2) Bridging the Climate Financing Gap: CIO(Climate Investor One) and Beyond
Speaker: Ji In Seol (Former African Development Bank Advisor)
Date: October 27 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
3) North Korean Art in the Socialist Art Market of the 21st century China
Speaker: : Min Ju Cho (Zhejiang University)
Date: November 3 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
4) Ancestral Signals: Hominins of East Asia
Speaker: Sang-Hee Lee (UC Riverside)
Date: November 17 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
5) The relationship between The Kingdom of Netherlands and Asian nations in the 17th century
Speaker: Yun Young Lee (Former Korean Ambassador to Bangladesh and the Netherlands)
Date: November 24 (Tues) 16:00-17:00
2020 SPRING Asia Square Brown Bag Seminar
1) “We live in a bubble”: Upper class Christians and their daily experience of sectarianism
Speaker: Hyun Jeong Ha (University of Notre Dame)
Date: May 26 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
2) Nuclear Belt and Road: China’s Nuclear Exports and Its Implications for World Politics
Speaker: Lami Kim (University of Hong Kong)
Date: June 2 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
3) Korean Peninsula-Vietnam Relations during the Vietnam War
Speaker: : Do Thanh Thao Mien (Ewha Womans University)
Date: June 9 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
4) Pakistan’s Challenges and Its Future
Speaker: Choong-joo Choi (Former Korean Ambassador to Pakistan)
Date: June 16 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
5) Migration-Development Nexus in Korea: Search for Policy Coherence
Speaker: Younghee Cho (Migration Research and Training Centre)
Date: June 25 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
2019 Fall Asia Square Brown Bag Seminar
1) Landscape Sustainability in Transnational Area of Tumen River
Speaker: Nan Ying (Yanbian University)
Date: October 1st (Tues) 12:00-13:00
2)Mainland Spouses Speak: Taiwanese Nationalism and Political Movement of Mainland Spouses
Speaker: Kyung-yun Moon (SNUAC)
Date: October 22nd(Tues) 12:00-13:00
3) An Exploratory Study on the Fear of Crime of Foreigners Living in Korea: Focusing on Asians
Speaker: Soo-Hyeong Choi (Korean Institute of Criminology)
Date: October 29th(Tues) 12:00-13:00
4) The Meaning of Change in Divided Structure of Labor in Asia and Response Strategy – With a Focus on Changes in the Industrial Structure of Southeast Asia
Speaker: Doo Young Kim (Former Executive Vice President for Innovative Growth, KOTRA)
Date: November 5th (Tues) 12:00-13:00
5) Linguistic adaptation and identity (re)construction among North Korean refugees in South Korea
Speaker: Mi Yung Park (University of Auckland)
Date: November 12th(Tues) 12:00-13:00
6) Youngone Corporation’s Strategy of Expansion in Bangladesh: Focusing on Overcoming Institutional Gap
Speaker: Myung-Moo Lee (Sungkyunkwan University)
Date: November 19th(Tues) 12:00-13:00
7) The possibilities of literature as a cultural resource: The city of Kyoto and Genjimonogatari
Speaker: Misuk Lee (Institute of Humanities)
Date: November 26th(Tues) 12:00-13:00
2019 SPRING Asia Square Brown Bag Seminar
1) Who is an Asian: A Reflection on the Identity of East Asia as a Region
Speaker: Hong-Key Yoon (University of Auckland)
Date: April 9th (Tues) 12:00-13:00
2) The Present Situation and Developing Trend of Chinese Media Industry
Speaker: Yulan Xu (Yanbian University)
Date: April 20th (Tues) 12:00-13:00
3) Urban Spatial Justice Evidenced from Citizen Satisfaction with Public Services
Speaker: Hao Liu (Shangdong University)
Date: May 7th (Tues) 12:00-13:00
4) A Comparative Study of Popular Music Education System between China and Korea
Speaker: Wang Wei (Communication University of China)
Date: May 14th (Tues) 12:00-13:00
5) ‘Reality of Africa and Asia’s new Scramble for Africa
Speaker:Il-soo Kim (<Former> Korea Ambassador to kazakhastan)
Date: May 21st (Tues) 12:00-13:00
6) The Rise of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Schools in Asia: A Critical Perspective of New Elite Schooling
Speaker: Moosung Lee (University of Canberra)
Date: May 28th (Tues) 12:00-13:00
7) Economic cooperation in the industry of renewable energy between South Korea and Iran
Speaker: Aejung Kim (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
Date: June 11th (Tues) 12:00-13:00
SNUAC Visiting Scholars Seminar Series 2018 Autumn
1) Who Built World’s First Smart City Songdo?
Speaker: Jung Won Son (University College London)
Date: September 18 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
2) Coffee Quality Control System in Ethiopia
Speaker: Ohsoon Yun (<Former> Institute of African Studies, Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Date: October 12 (Fri) 12:00-13:00
3) Restoration of Ancient Land Transportation Through Historical Geographical Method
Speaker: Hiroshi Todoroki (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Univ.)
Date: October 16 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
4) “History Problem” and Regional Orders in Northeast Asia
Speaker: Jae-Jung Suh (International Christian University)
Date: October 30 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
5) A Web of Authorities: State Formation in Timor-Leste
Speaker: MinJi Yoo (University of Manchester Ph.D.)
Date: November 13 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
6) Analysis of Our Corporate Investment in Central Asia
Speaker: Joo-Hyeon Baik (Korea National Diplomatic Academy)
Date: November 20 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
7) Korea-ASEAN Relations and New Northeast Policy
Speaker : Young-sun Kim (<Former> ASEAN-Korea Center Secretary General)
Date: November 27 (Tues) 12:00-13:00
SNUAC Visiting Scholars Seminar Series 2018 Spring
1) Standardization as a Development Strategy: Case of National Standards-setting Committees in Vietnam
Speaker: Hanah Zoo (Yonsei Univ. Center for Int’l Studies)
Date: May 3 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
2) What Mae Nak Tells Us: Female Ghosts and Thai Gender Ideology
Speaker: Ji Eun Lee (Dept. of Asian Languages & Civilizations)
Date: May 10 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
3) Parsing Foreign Aid from Japan and South Korea to South Asia
Speaker: Sojin Shin (National University of Singapore)
Date: May 17 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
4) Continuing and Changing Aspects of Chinese Communist Party’s Collective Leadership Structure during the Xi Jin-ping Era
Speaker: Yong-Ho Kim (National Election Commission Member)
Date: May 24 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
5) Is Unequal Democracy a Universal Phenomenon?
Speaker: Miongsei Kang (SNUAC)
Date: May 31 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
SNUAC Visiting Scholars Seminar Series 2017 Fall
1) South Korean Children’s and Adult’s Reasoning about the Fairness of Housework Division
Speaker: Allegra Midgette (UC Berkeley)
Date: Oct 25 (Wed) 12:00-13:00
2) Arson in South Korea
Speaker: Hyungmin Bark (Korean Institute of Criminology)
Date: Nov 8 (Wed) 12:00-13:00
3) The Characteristics of Chinese Media and Audience in the Background of Mobile Internet
Speaker: Peng Chen (Nankai University)
Date: Nov 16 (Thur) 12:00 – 13:00
4) Bust on the Border: Demilitarization and Urban Development in Dongducheon
Speaker: Bridget Martin (UC Berkeley)
Date: Nov 22 (Wed) 12:00-13:00
5) View the Ancient Decoration Ideas of Chinese and Korea from the Angle of Zodiac Culture
Speaker: Li Nan (Communication University of China)
Date: Dec 6 (Wed) 12:00-13:00
6) Defiant Outsiders, Compliant Insiders: Dynamic Interaction between Regular and Non-Regular Workers’ Movements at the Hyundai Shipyard, Ulsan
Speaker: Minhyoung Kang (Johns Hopkins University)
Date: Dec 11 (Mon) 12:00-13:00
SNUAC Visiting Scholars Brown Bag Seminar Series Spring 2017
1) The Multiple Silk Road Initiatives, Uzbekistan’s Approach, Political Consequence
Speaekr: Mirkomil Sadikov (Kadir Has University)
Date: Apr 13 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
2) Why Do Megachurches Grow? Conditions and Mechanisms in a Comparative Perspective
Speaekr: Thomas Kern (University of Bamberg)
Date: Apr 20 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
3) Homicide in Korea: Trend, Trait, and Perspective
Speaekr: Hyung Min Bark (Korean Institute of Criminology)
Date: Apr 27 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
4) Comparing Welfare Regimes Across Regions: Care Arrangements in East Asia and Latin America with an Eye to Migrant Domestic Care Workers
Speaekr: Peter Abrahamson (University of Copenhagen)
Date: May 11 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
5) Visual Perception and City in Post War Japan
Speaker: Eun Jeong Choi (Princeton University)
Date: May 18 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
6) The Effects of Cultural Factors on the History of Korea-Russia Relations
Speaker: Min Lee (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)(*In Korean)
Date: May 25 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
7) The Sense of Nonsense in Cold War Korean Fiction
Speaker: Evelyn Shih (UC Berkeley)
Date: Jun 1 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
8) Conserving the Yellow Sea: from an Anthropocene Perspective
Speaker: Young Rae Choi (Florida International University)
Date: Jun 8 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
SNUAC Visiting Scholars Brown Bag Seminar Series 2016 Fall
1) The Cross Asian Integration: A Case of Uzbek-Korean Integration along the Silk Road; The Prospects and Obstacles
Speaekr: Mirkomil Sadikov (Kadir Has University)
Date: Oct 27 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
2) Fan Culture and Leaders of Fan Community
Speaekr: Cencen Hu (Renmin University of China)
Date: Nov 3 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
3) Labor Force Characteristics in the Economic Pole of Phnom Penh, Preah Sihanouk and Siem Reap
Speaekr: Chea Chantha (Royal Academy of Cambodia)
Date: Nov 10 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
4) State Transformation and the Evolution of Economic Nationalism: The Taiwanese Semiconductor Industry as a Case Study
Speaekr: Jinn-yuh Hsu (National Taiwan University)
Date: Nov 24 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
5) The Research of Variations on Translation Versions of <Jian-Deng-Xin-Hua>: Library Collections of Seoul National University and Sogang Unievrsity as Examples
(*In oKrean)
Speaker: Heyun Sun (Communication University of China)
Date: Dec 1 (Thur) 12:00-13:00
SNUAC Visiting Scholars Brown Bag Seminar Series Spring 2016
1) The Cultural Politics of Women’s Gyoyang(教養), 1930s – 1940s (* 한국어발표)
Speaker: Ah-reum Kim (University of Tokyo)
Date: Jun 2 (Thur) 12:00~13:00
2) Comparing Welfare Regimes across World Regions: Care Arrangements in East Asia and Latin America
Speaker: Peter Abrahamson (University of Copenhagen)
Date: Jun 9 (Thur) 12:00~13:00
3) i) When the Spirit Becomes Technique: Saemaul Knowledge Sharing and Export of the Korean Development Experience
Speaker: Jamie Doucette (University of Manchester )
ii) A Fieldwork Report on South Korea’s Back-to-the-farm, Back-to-the-village Phenomenon: Seeking an Alternative Life to the Urban Mainstream
Speaker: Elise Youn (University of California, Berkeley)
Date: Jun 16 (Thur) 12:00~13:30
SNUAC Visiting Scholars Brown Bag Seminar Series Fall 2015
1) A Human Geographer’s Ethiopian Journey (*한국어발표)
Speaker: Ohsoon Yun (Social Enterprise Activation Center)
Date: Nov 3 (Tue) 12:00~13:00
2) Compare Zoning: The Geopolitical Economy of Special Zones in Taiwan and Korea
Speaker: Jinn-yuh Hsu (National Taiwan University)
Date: Nov 10 (Tue) 12:00~13:00
3) Global Financial Markets and Global Financial Class
Speaker: Sighard Neckel (Goethe-University Frankfurt)
Date: Nov 18 (Wed) 12:00~13:30
4) Spatiotemporal Changes of Built-up Land Expansion and Carbon Emissions caused by the Chinese Construction Industry
Speaker: Xiaowei Chuai (Nanjing University)
Date: Nov 25 (Wed) 12:00~13:30
5) China meets Korea: the Asian Games, Entrepreneurial Local States and Debt-driven Development
Speaker: Hyun Bang Shin (London School of Economics)
Date: Dec 2 (Wed) 12:00~13:30
6) The Strategy Research of Industry-university-research Cooperation regarding the Mobile Internet and the Smart wearable Devices
Speaker: Shaoqiang Fu (Communication University of China)
Date: Dec 9 (Wed) 12:00~13:30
Place: SNUAC (Bldg #101) Room #406
Contact: HyunMin Kim / 02-880-2868
* Sandwiches will be served at the seminar.
SNUAC Visiting Scholars Brown Bag Seminar Series Spring 2015
1) Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) and the Comparative Capitalism Studies (* 한국어발표)
Speaker: Dokyun Kim (SNUAC)
Date: May 26 (Tue) 12:00~13:30
Immigration Policy of Cosmopolitan Singapore (*한국어발표)
Speaker: Si Yeon Rim (SNU)
Date: May 26 (Tue) 12:00~13:30
2) Life Experiences of People with Disabilities in Vietnam: In Search for the Social Support Models
Speaker: Tran Van Kham (Hanoi University of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Date: May 29 (Fri) 12:00~13:00
3) Studies on CCTV News
Speaker: Li Yang (Communications University of China)
Date: Jun 3 (Wed) 12:00~13:30
4) Economy of Scale, Division of Labour and Deskilling in a Creative Industry: The Transformation of Labour Process in Xianyou Traditional Furniture Cluster, China (*한국어발표)
Speaker: Jung Won Son (University College London)
Date: Jun 10 (Wed) 12:00~13:30
5) Make a Prevention Intervention with the Ageven Sheet: First Results of Experimentation Conducted with Frech High School Students living in France and Korea
Speaker: Imaine Sahed (EHESS)
Date: Jun 17 (Wed) 12:00~13:30
Place: SNUAC (Bldg #101) Room #406
Contact: HyunMin Kim / 02-880-2868
* Sandwiches will be served at the seminar.