Asia Review Vol.11 | No.1 | 2021

Exchange and Cooperation in the Ancient Asian World
Crossing Borders: Examining Goguryeo Murals from an East Asian Perspective | Byung-Joon Kim
Network Analysis of Foreign Object Circulation in Ancient Korea: Wushu Coins from Yeongnam Burials | Ilhong Ko
The Spread of Chickens in East Asian Ancient Society and Its Meaning | EunByul Ko
Free Themes
Exploring Environmental Governance for the Protection of Endangered Species: Protection of the Mongolian Gobi Bears | Khulan Erdenebileg and Sun-Jin Yun
The Creation and Techniques of North Korean Propaganda Posters: Stylistic Changes since the 1950s | Min-Soo Kim, Jung-Eun Lee, Sol Lee, Minhye Kim
The Structure of Regional Administrative Organizations in Early-Modern Japan: A Case Study of Gunkaisho in the Okayama Domain | Hayoung Choung
Reconsidering the Timurid Currency System | Juyeon Lee
The Contemporary Status of the Ethnic Group in Kazakhstan and the Koryoin’s Nation | Jinhye Lee
The Trend of the Maeil Shinbo (每日申報) Reports on the First World War: Outbreak of the War to the Exhortation for Asian Solidarity | Junho Moon
Typology of Institutional Perception on Welfare·Economy·Politics Systems of People from Post-Socialism Countries: National Differences | Inwook Kwon and Juhyeong Park
The Role of a State in Technology Innovation: A New Authoritarian Developmental State | Eunyoung Cho
Book Review
The Origin and Development of Korean International Politics: Review of Paradigm Shift of East Asia in the 19th Century and the Imperial Japan by Sang Gyu Kang | Taejin Kim
Understanding The ASEAN Member States’ WTO Trade Disputes in a Changing Global Trade Order by Hee-Ryang Ra | Hyungjong Kim