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Center for Asian Urban Societies

#Urban Transition Lab  #Inclusive Cities  #Cities of Peace  #Transition Cities  #Resilient Cities

By presenting a post-developmental urban paradigm, the Center for Asian Urban Societies (CAUS) aims to help Asian cities overcome the limitations of developmental urbanization and establish a human-centered urban community. It also wants to explore and share alternative urban discourses and practices that address commoning, peace, and sustainability to solve the Asian urban problem. The Center strives not only to achieve timely theoretical research through urban field-centered research but also to disseminate its research results to society through active policy proposals. Further, it establishes research-based urban solidarity through domestic and overseas research and activity networks.

Main Projects and Research Topics

  • Urban Transition Lab: Pioneering experiments for sharing cities and urban transition and launching local government-citizen collaborative programs to implement a co-production system
  • Inclusive, Commoning Cities: Developing an index for urban inclusivity and Cooperating with other East Asian cities through the East Asian Inclusive City Network (EA-ICN)
  • Post-Cold War Cities of Peace: Researching on geopolitics and geoeconomics of post-Cold War East Asia, border cities and military base cities
  • Sustainable Cities for Transition: Researching on East Asian developmentalism and “statenature” relations, energy transition in the Korean peninsula
  • De-growth, Resilient Cities: Researching on East Asian industrial cities, the future of cities and manufacturing industries, transition to smart cities


Cho, S. (2019). Public Land Leasing Theory: Reforming the land policy in North Korea. Hanulmplus.

Smith, N. (1996). (D. Gimm et al., Trans.) (2019). The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City. Dongnyok.

Sonn, J. W. & Shin, H. B. (2019). Contextualizing Accumulation by Dispossession: The State and High-Rise Apartment Clusters in Gangnam, Seoul. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 110 (3).

Hsu, J. (2019). Process-ing with mechanism: The renaissance of critical realism in human geography?. Dialogues in Human Geography 9 (3).

Doucette, J. & Lee, S. O. (2019). Trump, turbulence, territory. Political Geography 73.

Park, I. K. & Hong, C. (2019). An empirical analysis of urban inclusivity of (post-) developmental states in East Asia: Comparison of South Korea, China, Japan, and Taiwan. Space and Environment, 68.

Lee, S. W. (2019). Urban Commons and Democracy: A Study on the Characteristics and Dynamics of the Urban Commons Movements. Space And Environment, 68.

Paek, Y. (2019). Spatial Features of the Gaesong Industrial Complex as a Contact Zone. Journal of cultural and historical geography, 31 (2).

Park, B. G. et al. (2019). The New Geopolitics of the Korean Peninsula. Hanulmplus.

Gimm. D. (2019). Re-reading urban regeneration: Urban decline as ideology and its implications to urban regeneration. Economy and Society, 122.

Hwang. J. T. et al. (2019). How did Leishmania Parasites make Crack in One Europe?: the Limits to Cosmopolitanism from the Perspective of More-than-human Riskscapes. Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 54 (3).

Park, B. G., & Hwang, J. T. (Eds.) (2017). Making Gangnam, following Gangnam. Dongnyuk.

Lee, S. H., Kim, E. H., Hwang, J. T., & Park, B. G. (Eds.). (2017). Living in risky cities. Alt.

Park, B. G., Lee, S. O., & Cho, S. C. (Eds.). (2017). Spaces of exception in East Asia. Alt.

Chang, S. H. (2017). Cold War, division, and urbanization. Alt.

Kim, D. W. (Ed.). (2017). For public spaces. Dongnyuk.

Park, B. G. (2017). New spatial readings of the state. Territory, Politics, Governance, 5(1).

Doucette, J., & Park, B. G. (2017). Urban developmentalism in East Asia: Geopolitical economies, spaces of exception, and networks of expertise. Critical Sociology.

Shin, H. B. (2018). Urban movements and the genealogy of urban rights discourses: The case of urban protesters against redevelopment and displacement in Seoul, South Korea. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 108(2).

Choi, Y. J., & Glassman, J. (2017). A geopolitical economy of heavy industrialization and second tier city growth in South Korea: Evidence from the ‘Four Core Plants Plan’. Critical Sociology. doi/abs/10.1177/0896920517695868

Lee, S. O., Wainwright, J., & Glassman, J. (2017). Geopolitical economy and the production of territory: The case of US–China geopolitical-economic competition in Asia. Environment and Planning A. doi/abs/10.1177/0308518X17701727


Bae-Gyoon Park | Director | | Geography | Politics of regional development, Spatiality of the state, Developmental urbanization in East Asia

Hyunjoo Jung | Vice Director | | Geography | Urban cultural politics, Space and gender, Globalization of migration

Hanbyul Shim | Research Fellow | | Urban Planning | City architecture and planning, Space changes and economic resilience caused by industrial and labor restructuring

Jin-Tae Hwang | Research Fellow | | Geography | East Asia developmentalist theory of the nation and city, Political ecology, Risk and disaster

Seoungwon Lee | Research Fellow | | Political Science | Ideology and discourse analysis, Civil society and democracy, Urban commons

Yilsoon Paek | Research Fellow | | Geography | Spatial structure and shift patterns of the border area, Multidimensional nature of the legal system

Eunyeong Song | Researcher | | Geography | Food chain, Livelihood approach

Heejin Choi | Researcher | | Urban Planning | Urban development conflicts, Gender studies

Suyoung Kang | Researcher | | Geography | Regional studies, Spatial analysis