2018 SNUAC Brown Bag Seminar Series <5>
Standardization as a Development Strategy: Case of National Standards-setting Committees in Vietnam
- Date & Time: Thursday, 3 May,……
[Announcement] 2018 SNUAC Dissertation Writing Fellowship
Thank you for your interest in the 2018 SNUAC Dissertation Writing Fellowship.
A total of 18 dissertation plans were submitted and th……
Future Earth and the Sustainability of Unified Korea: First Workshop
- Date & Time: Tuesday, 1 May, 2018, 17:00-19:00
- Place: International Conference Room(#303), SNUAC(Bldg#101)
- Speaker……
[Revised] Call for Applications: 2018 Fall SNUAC Visiting Scholars Fellowship
Revised Notice
- Purpose
To support scholars whose research and writings are related to Asia and also promote academic exchanges ……
[PUCR Seminar No. 35] “China, Russia, the US, and the Korean Nuclear Question: Managing Differences and Promoting Cooperation”
- Date & Time: Monday, 23 April, 2018, 13:30-15:30
- Speaker: Dr. Richard Weitz (Hudson Institute)
Location: Room #406, SNUAC(B……
West Asia in the Trump Era: Highlights of Key Geopolitical Developments
- Date & Time: Tuesday, 8 May, 2018, 15:30-17:00
- Place: Room #304, SNUAC(Bldg#101)
- Speaker: Dr. Ali Fathollah-Neja……
2018 SNUAC Brown Bag Seminar Series <3>
Reading Developmental Urbanization in Seoul Politico-Ecologically
- Date & Time: Thursday, 19 April, 2018, 12:00-13:00
- Speaker: ……
2018 SNUAC Brown Bag Seminar Series <4>
Aesthetics and Politics of South Korean Advertising
- Date & Time: Thursday, 26 April, 2018, 12:00-13:00
- Speaker: Prof. Olga Fe……
Park Jung-Hee’s Development Dictatorship in a Comparative Perspective: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Chile in Latin America, and South Korea in Asia
- Author: Hyun-Chin Lim
- Publication Date: December / 2017
- Publisher: Zininzin
The era of Park Jung-Hee, hailed as the fetters i……
The Heart of Eurasian Beats Again: The Historic Formation and Dynamics of Central Asia
- Author: Beomshik Shin et al.
- Publication Date: December / 2017
- Publisher: Zininzin
The Heart of Eurasian Beats Again: The His……