Project Listing

This book explores the Asianization of contemporary Asia, a trend that through neoliberal economic globalism...
The book project on COVID-19 in East Asia was initiated by the SNUAC Civil Society...
In parts of Asia, citizens are increasingly involved in shaping their neighbourhoods and cities, representing...
본서는 한국의 수출기반 다국적 의류기업에 주목하여 이들이 아시아에서의 지역 연결성 확대와 경제사회 발전에서 미치는 영향과...
South Korea has continued to impress the world in the way it has harnessed social...
아시아의 민주주의와 자본주의 경제를 대표하는 일본, 한국과 인도네시아에서 불안정 노동과 그 결과에 영향을 미치는 글로벌한...
In Social Economy in Asia: Realities and Perspectives, thirteen scholars from various academic disciplines analyze the...
The book Covid-19 and Governance is just out with 24 chapters by scholars from across...

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