Woo Jin Shim

HK Research Professor
Ph.D. in Geography from Seoul National University
GIS, Spatial analysis, Environmental issues in Asia, Data visualization and storytelling
Work Experience
- Lecturer, Department of Geography, Chonnam National University (2020.09~present)
- Department Assistant, Department of Geography, Seoul National University (2015.03~2016.02)
- Multiplicity and Path Dependency in the Modeling of Historical Routes: A Case Study of the Wonju Basin in the Central Region of the Korean Peninsula (The Professional Geographer, 2023)
- High-Resolution Digital Soil Maps of Forest Soil Nitrogen across South Korea Using Three Machine Learning Algorithms (Forests, 2023)
- Availability Evaluation of Least Cost Path and Probabilistic LCP for Ancient Route Research: A Comparison with the Bonghwa-ro of Joseon Dynasty Main Roads (The Geographical Journal of Korea, 2022)
- Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Properties according to Hillslope Position in the Wetland Ecosystem: a Case Study of Ungok Wetland(Journal of The Korean Association of Regional Geographers, 2022)
- ‘Benefit Maximizing Routes’: Development and Evaluation Using the Historical Roads of Korea’s Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910) (Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, 2022)
- Necessity and Possibilities of a Data-driven Regional Research Methodology for Exploring Mega Asia: Implications from KCI Indexed Regional Study Articles with Quantitative Research Methods (Asia Review, 2021)
- An Evaluation of the Applicability of Hillslope Position Classification on Slope Management: The Case for Comparing Landslide and Forest Land-use Conversion Points (The Geographical Journal of Korea, 2021)