Minjae Zoh

HK Research Professor
Heritage Studies
Research Interests:
Heritage Theory, Heritage Discourse, Heritage Trends UNESCO World Heritage.
2022 – Present: Committee Member for the Seoul Metropolitan City ‘Historic City’ Project
2020 – Present: Asian Journal of Political Science (AJPS) Editorial Manager
2020 – Present: HK Research Professor
2019 – 2020: Guest Researcher, Seoul National University Museum, Seoul National Univeristy
BA. Archaeology. University College London (UCL)
MA. Public Archaeology. University College London (UCL)
Ph.D. Heritage Studies. University of Cambridge.
- Kim, J. and Zoh, M. (2023). Asia’s Heritage Trend: Examining Asia’s Present through Its Past. Routledge.
- Zoh, M. (2020). The Story of UNESCO in Three Stages: War, Cooperation, Industry. Tongdokwon.
- Zoh, M. (2020). The Impacts of Dictatorship on Heritage Management. Vernon Press. (U.S.A)
- 2023. Zoh, M. Shifting Paradigms of Museum Displays in the West and Its Application in South Korea: The National Museum of Korea’s Special Exhibition on Homo Sapiens: Evolution, Relationship & Future? Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies, 21: 1-12. [In English].
- 2022. Zoh, M. Heritage Studies: Background, Development and Recent Trends. Korean History Society, (126). 443 – 464. [In Korean].
- 2022. Zoh, M. and Paek, I. An Examination of Heritage from the Perspective of Authorised Dictatorial Discourse – A Focus on the Heritage Politics during the Park Chung Hee Regime. The Association of Korean Cultural and Historical Geographers, (34) 3. 88-106. [In Korean].
- 2021. Zoh, M. and Ko, I. Keyword Analysis of Publications on ‘Asian Cultural Heritage’: A Method for Interpreting Western Perspectives on Asia. Asia Review, (22).123-146. [In Korean].
- 2016. Zoh, M. ‘Gyeongju and the Political Use of Relics’ Silverstreet Cambridge, The Official CU HSPS Online Magazine, Episode 7: http://hsps.soc.srcf.net/Easter17/Articles/Gyeongju.html [In English]
- 2016. Bartolini, F., Comer, M., Meharry, J. E., Zoh, M. ‘The Heritage of Displacement: Forced Migration in the Mediterranean through History.’ Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies, (4) 4. 377-81. [In English].