[Review] “How to take in the IS and the Middle East issues?”
Friday, November 14th,2014
“How to take in the IS and the Middle East issues?”
The SNUAC Colloquium sponsored by Seoul National Uni……
[Review] Seminar Series for Reciprocal Understanding of Korea-Turkey
Seminar Series for Reciprocal Understanding of Korea-Turkey
Current Status of Separation of the Powers and the Constitutionalism in……
[Review] ‘Official Development Assistance(ODA) and the Participation of Civil Society in Development Cooperation : Its Current State and Task’
‘Official Development Assistance(ODA) and the Participation of Civil Society in Development Cooperation : Its Current State and Task’(……
[Review] Alternative University as a Cooperative Movement
Alternative University as a Cooperative Movement
– Guest lecture by Se-kyun Kim(professor emeritus, Department of Political Science),……
[Review] The Trends of Socio-political Thoughts in Contemporary China (Xu, Jilin, 7/7/2014) – Northeast Asia Center Colloquium
The Trends of Socio-political Thoughts in Contemporary China (Xu, Jilin, 7/7/2014) – Northeast Asia Center Colloquium
On Monday, Ju……