The Formation of Concentrated Koryo-Saram Residential Communities in South Korea: Ansan, Gwangju, Jecheon

  • Date: September 25th, Wednesday, 2024, 14:00 – 18:00
  • Location: Room 303, SNUAC (Bldg. 101)

◎ Opening speech / Keynote speech – Beomshik Shin (Director of CECAS, SNUAC)


◎ Session I: Spontaneously Formed Dense Residential Areas (14:15-16:00)

Moderator: Beomshik Shin

Presentation 1: “The Impact of Immigration Policy on Civil Society: The Case of the Koryoin Community in Ansan

Song-Ha Joo (Kookmin Univ.)

Presentation 2: “The Communal Characteristics of the Koryoin Village in Ansan

Young-Sam Hwang (Central Asia Research Institute, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

Presentation 3: “The ‘Emerging’ Community – The Formation and Role of Public Networks in the Densely Populated Koryoin Area in Ansan

Ah-Young Choi (SNUAC)


Discussant 1: Seungjo Yang (Dept. of History, Soongshil Univ.), Discussant 2: Daeseung Seo (Institute of Comparative Culture, SNU)

16:00-16:15 Break


◎ Session II: Constructed Dense Residential Areas (16:15-18:00)

Moderator: Beomshik Shin

Presentation 4: “A Community with a Founder – The Formation and Current Status of the ‘Koryoin Village’ in Gwangju

Ka Young Ko (SNUAC)

Presentation 5: “The Dynamics of a Recruited Community – The Formation, Characteristics, and Theoretical Implications of the Koryoin Community in Jecheon

Joon-Seok Lee (SNUAC)

Presentation 6: “The Various Networks of the Koryoin Community in Jecheon

Minki Jung (SNUAC)


Discussant 1: Eunkyung Bae (Dept. of Information and Archival Science, HUFS), Discussant 2: Eunhye Kwon (Institute of Humanities, Hansung Univ.)