Korean Studies Workshop in Southern Europe

  • Date: February 22nd, Thursday, 2024, 9:00 – 18:00
  • Location: Palazzo Corigliano, University of Naples L’Orientale

On February 22nd, 2024, SNUAC held the “Korean Studies Workshop in Southern Europe” at the University of Naples L’Orientale in Italy for professors, researchers, undergraduate students, and graduate students of Korean studies, for a total of 50 participants from major universities in Southern Europe. This event aimed to expand the Korean studies network for KF Global eSchool in Southern Europe; it was organized by SNUAC and the Department of Korean Studies at the University of Naples L’Orientale for 6 months. A total of 14 major universities from 7 countries in Southern Europe participated in the event.

Participating universities: U of Naples L’Orientale, Ca’ Foscari U of Venice, U of Turin, U of Bologna, LUISS U (Italy), U of Tübingen (Germany), Sofia U (Bulgaria), U of Bordeaux Montaigne, U Paris Cité (France), Autonomous U of Madrid, Malaga U (Spain), Intl Inst. of Social Studies (Netherlands), Soongsil U, Seoul Natl U (Korea).

Through the workshop in four sessions, the participants examined the status of Korean studies in Southern Europe and the problems faced by Korean studies programs in terms of humanities, linguistic education, and social sciences. They discussed common problems and how to solve them in terms of curriculum reconstruction. (For details, please refer to the Program Book).

With this workshop as an opportunity, SNUAC plans to form a Korean studies network with local partners in Southern Europe and create a framework of cooperation for the development and growth of Korean studies by solving common problems.