Climate Crisis, Global Economy, and Sustainable Development

  • Date: December 21st, Thursday, 2023, 14:00 – 15:30
  • Location: Room 303, SNUAC (Bldg. 101)

Presenter: Sang In Kang (Senior Researcher, Korean Environment Institution)

Gunnar Myrdal wrote that ‘development’ means the overall enhancement of the socioeconomic system. A sustainable development, not a ceaseless one, is the supreme task of contemporary humanity and is the solving link for the vicious cycle of clash of civilizations, climate crisis, and ecological destruction. This lecture examines the direction of a sustainable socioeconomic system through a brief sketch of geographical findings, the industrial revolution based on fossil fuels, and the formation of the global economy through free trade. The lecturer will introduce the framework and process of structuring the keywords of sustainable development or the sustainability of human civilization into the associating concepts of nature and humanity; economic development; environmental protection; social integration; culture; science technology; and market.