Eurasian Refugees as Cross-Border Migrants: the Multifaceted Changes and Impacts of Migration Dynamics

  • Date: November 15th, Wednesday, 2023, 16:00 – 18:00
  • Location: Room 303, SNUAC (Bldg. 101)

The SNUAC CECAS Migration and Refugee Research Cluster is holding the first seminar with all research staff of the project supported by NRF. Prof. Beomshik Shin, the researcher in charge, will introduce the generals and director of “Eurasian Refugees as Cross-Border Migrants: the Multifaceted Changes and Impacts of Migration Dynamics”, and each researcher will give a brief presentation of the topics and contents to be researched over the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years.

Beomshik Shin (SNU)
Gayoung Ko (SNU)
Jiwon Park (KOTRA)
Minwoo Yoon (Gachon Univ.)
Vadim Slepchenko (SNU)
Sanghee Park (SNU)
Ayoung Choi (SNU)
Euihyeon Hwang (SNU)