Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea: Chinese People’s Korean War

  • Date: September 25th, Monday, 2023, 18:00 – 20:00
  • Location: Room 120, Changgong Building, University of Seoul

Speaker: Jiwoon Baek (Assistant Professor, IPUS, SNU)

This book talk examines the reasons and process of how the Chinese people’s Korean War was an oppressed historical event during the good times of the US-China relations and becomes called upon as the relations worsen, and reflects on the political trends of Northeast Asia. To this end, Jiwoon Baek, the author of Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea: Chinese People’s Korean War will give a special lecture on the cultural and historical meaning of the Korean War from the Chinese perspective and how it is commemorated and formed as part of the popular culture in the trend of Chinese modern history. This book talk will offer us an opportunity to learn about China’s history of participation in the Korean War, which has not been explored in depth so far, and to examine an aspect of the US-China competition that continues to aggravate today.