Economic Landscape in India from the Indian Marxist Perspective

  • Date: May 24th, Wednesday, 2023, 14:00 – 15:00
  • Location: Room 303, SNUAC (Bldg. 101)

Presenter: Anjan Chakrabarti (Professor, Department of Economics, University of Calcutta)

After briefly gleaning over the period of state capitalism, the focus of the talk will chiefly be upon the post-reform period of India’s economic transition. That period is analysed as introducing a state sponsored break from the vision of self-reliance based on planned economy to neoliberal globalization, from state capitalism to private capitalism and development going inclusive. They are shown to be forming a novel triad – the new order of things – within which the Indian economy has been relocated. The contradictions of Indian economy in the mentioned two periods can be construed as crisis of capitalism in India too. In that context, much discussed changes in India’s development strategy to recast her transition can also be construed as attempts to resolve the periodical crisis of capitalism, albeit securing its dominance.