Asian Women Persist: Anthropologists Answer Feminist Questions

  • Editors: Eunsook Jee, Gi Yeon Koo, Eunjeong Oh
  • Publication Date: February / 2023
  • Publisher: SNU Press

#It’s Feminism Again for Asia Women Today

Representations of Asian women are mostly polarized. Images of women in hijabs or middle-class housewives who comply with the combination of patriarchy and capitalist system on one hand, and ‘helicopter moms’ as the embodiment of neoliberal motherhood who devote themselves to class reproduction with all their family’s capital, or sexual objects with extremized sexuality on the other. These images represent the ‘compliance’ of Asian women by exaggerating it. Meanwhile, progressive Asian women elites with leadership in global institutions are featured in the media, highlighting how they break the structural oppression and stereotypes. Do these representations depict the reality of Asian women well? What kind of lives do Asian women live today?


Eunsook Jee | Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies, Seoul National University

Gowoon Noh | Dept. of Cultural Anthropology and Archaeology, Chonnam National University

Anna Lim | Institute of Social Science, Kangwon National University

Hyun Mee Kim | Dept. of Cultural Anthropology, Yonsei University

Hyun-jung Chae | Program in Cultural Anthropology, Duksung Women’s University

Heekyung Kim | Dept. of Archaeology and Anthropology, Kyungpook National University

Seoyeon Choi | Dept. of Asian Languages and Civilizations, Seoul National University

Minjung Kim | Dept. of Cultural Anthropology, Kangwon National University

Gi Yeon Koo | Seoul National University Asia Center

Sumi Cho | Bangmok College of Fundamental Education, Myongji University

Eunjeong Oh | BK Education and Research Group, Dept. of Anthropology, Seoul National University