Regional Change and Imagination in 20th Century Asia

  • Date: April 22nd, Friday, 2022 14:00 – 17:00
  • Location: Room 304, SNUAC (Bldg. 101) / Online via Zoom

This workshop is for interim presentations of manuscripts for Regional Change and Imagination in 20th Century Asia, the second book in the series for Comparative Regional Studies Cluster being organized by SNUAC HK⁺ Mega-Asia Research Project Group.

1. Young-Seo Baik (Professor Emeritus, Dept. of History, Yonsei University)
2. Ocksoon Lee (Director, Institute of Indian Studies, Korea (IISK))
3. Dalseung Yu (Professor, Dept. of Persian & Iranian Studies, Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
4. Se Jin Jung (HK Professor, Asia-Pacific Research Center, Hanyang Univ.)
5. Jin Seok Choi (Lecturer, School of Liberal Arts, Seoul National Univ. of Science & Technology)
6. Dae-yeong Youn (HK Research Professor, Asia Center, Seoul National Univ.)
7. Jong-Wook Hong (HK Professor, Institute of Humanities, Seoul National Univ.)
8. Jiwoon Baik (HK Professor, IPUS, Seoul National Univ.)
9. Jeong-Hoon Lee (Professor, Dept. of Chinese Language & Literature)