Migration and Mobility in Asia

- Authors: SNUAC
- Publication Date: March / 2021
- Publisher: CIR
Migration and Mobility, the Basis of ‘New Asia’
Through this series, SNUAC seeks to offer an in-depth discussion of how ‘one yet diverse’ Asia newly emerges and changes by introducing a new concept, ‘Mega-Asia’. This volume especially discusses the migration and mobilities that are configuring and changing the ‘New Asia’ in dynamic and multifarious aspects. The explosive increase of movements and connections within the Asian region is not only accompanied by geopolitical and geoeconomic imaginations on the state scale but also creates changes in the lives of individuals and groups. Especially, the increase of traveling, movements, and connections across various locations in Asia calls for new spaces and imaginations to envision and embody the ‘New Asia’ as being different from one before.
This volume unfolds the various aspects of migrations and mobilities within Asia and casts questions on the ‘New Asia’ that we can experience and imagine.
Facing the era of Asia where migration and mobility are routinized, what kind of preparations and new imaginations do we need? This volume suggests we walk that path, through six pieces of writing.
Author: Seoul National University Asia Center
Seori Choi, Researcher, Migration Research and Training Center
Jongseok Yoon, HK Research Professor, SNUAC
Jongseok Yoon, HK Research Professor, SNUAC
Younghee Cho, Head of Research and Education Department, Migration Research and Training Center
Ayoung Choi, Visiting Research Fellow, SNUAC
Kyung-Hak Kim, Professor, Dept. of Cultural Anthropology & Archaeology, Chonnam National University
Soo-jeong Yi, Lecturer, Dept. of Arabic Interpretation & Translation, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Ayoung Choi, Visiting Research Fellow, SNUAC
Kyung-Hak Kim, Professor, Dept. of Cultural Anthropology & Archaeology, Chonnam National University
Soo-jeong Yi, Lecturer, Dept. of Arabic Interpretation & Translation, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies