Does Inter-village Competition Promote Social Capital?

  • Date: April 21st, Wednesday, 2021 14:00 – 16:00
  • Online via Zoom

One of the major characteristics of the rural community-driven development that KOICA pursued in Myanmar and Cambodia in the past 5 years (2015-2020) is differential incentive support based on inter-village competition.

To analyze whether such inter-village competition influences intra-village cooperation, Village Donation Game and Joint Investment Game were conducted in the lab-in-the-field method with 8,515 households in 150 villages in Myanmar and 3,355 households in 60 Cambodian villages.

The inter-village competition did not influence the amount donated in the Village Donation Game so much, but in the case of residents who participated in KOICA’s rural community-driven development, the probability of participating in the Joint Investment Game significantly increased.

In the lecture, we will explore the connotations of cooperation through competition based on these results.