Russia and Cyber Security
- Date: November 12th, Thursday, 2020 10:00 – 12:00
- Online via Zoom (
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Recently as cyber-attacks are directed at not only financial institutions but also major international events like the Olympic Games and research institutes that develop the vaccines for COVID-19, the importance of cyber security is increasingly heightened. Thus the Institute of International Studies at SNU and the Center for Eurasian and Central Asian Studies at SNUAC are jointly holding a webinar to examine cyber security in terms of Russia, focusing on the concept of cyber security, its domestic basis and system, and cyber warfare.
The Concept and Principles of Cyber Security in Russia – Beomshik Shin (Prof., Dept. of Political Science and International Relations, SNU)
The Domestic Basis and System of Russian Cyber Security – Minwoo Yoon (Prof., Dept. of Police Science and Security, Gachon University)
Russia and Cyber Warfare – Kyuchul Kim (Research Fellow, Institute of Russian Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
Dong Joo Suh (Institute for National Security Strategy)
Pyung Kyun Woo (The Academy of Korean Studies)
So Jeong Kim (National Security Research Institute)