Hong Kong in 2025 Imagined by Its People, Screening of Film (2015)

  • Date: December 12th, Thursday, 2019 16:00-18:30
  • Location: Room 240, SNUAC (Bldg. 101)

SNUAC Northeast Asia Center is screening <Ten Years> in order to understand the changes happening in Hong Kong recently. By looking at what Hong Kong in 2025 is like in the imaginations of its people, we seek to understand the changes in Hong Kong’s society and the anxiety in its people. After the screening, we will share our impressions of the film and have a discussion on the recent changes in Hong Kong.

* There will be an hour of discussion after the screening.

On December 12th, SNUAC Northeast Asia Center screened the film <Ten Years> and held a talk in order to understand the recent changes in Hong Kong. The five episodes of the film showed various aspects of the depressing future of Hong Kong in 2025 as imagined by the people of Hong Kong in 2015, and provided us some motives to understand their current anxiety.

After the screening, a Q&A session and discussion continued for understanding the changes in Hong Kong society. Diverse analyses on the Hong Kong protests and changes were shared from perspectives of democracy, human rights, post-colonialism, from within Hong Kong, China, and Korea. The changes of Hong Kong society were not simply regarded as a matter of Hong Kong only, but as something associated to the Hong Kong-China relations, China-U.S. relations and Hong Kong-Taiwan (and the Chinese society in Southeast Asia) relations and discussed from Korea’s point of view in terms of social movement, international order and the ‘one country two systems’ situation. The event was concluded upon sharing the need to continue the academic efforts to advance discussions while closely watching the changes in Hong Kong.