Reviving Korean Civil Society

- Authors: Suk-Ki Kong et al.
- Publication Date: May / 2018
- Publisher: Zininzin
Reviving Korean Civil Society, investigating the transformations in Korean civil society which was a key factor in the development of South Korea’s democracy and played a key role in the regime change via the Candlelight Revolution in 2016, has been published as the 23rd book in the SNUAC Asian Studies in a Global Context Series. This book is a follow-up work of the Drawing the Landscape of Civil Society in South Korea published in 2016. Reviving Korean Civil Society contains the outcomes of qualitative research looking at the role of civil society in transforming the Korean society and also the qualitative changes to such transformation were scrutinized. The book raises issues on the problems surrounding the individual, crisis of civil society organization, maintenance of healthy Korean civil society, and the virtuous circle between the state, party, and civil society. The book is composed of eight articles dealing with topics on the Candlelight Revolution, social economic activity, social venture, development cooperation, labor, regional conflict, and human rights. Reviving Korean Civil Society provides in-depth discussions and alternatives for the demands for civil society amidst the rapidly changing Korean society after the Candlelight Revolution and introduces essential information on raising citizen consciousness for activists, policy makers, and the citizen voters overall.