The Dilemma and Governance of Mekong Region Development and Environmental Cooperation

- Authors: Sun-Jin Yun et al.
- Publication Date: May / 2018
- Publisher: Zininzin
The book, The Dilemma and Governance of Mekong Region Development and Environmental Cooperation , was published by the Southeast Asia Center at SNUAC and it contains the research outcomes of their research project conducted since 2014. The Mekong River, also known as the ‘Mother of Rivers,’ has been maintaining one ecological system for thousands of years and has provided the regional community a reciprocal foundation of existence. However, extensive development has been initiated by different countries as the Mekong Region is divided by many different borders, and as a result the foundation of the regional community and ecology is being threatened. The current research deals with problems relating to the environment and development by laying the roles of international organizations such as the Mekong River Commission as alternatives because the characteristics of the international transboundary river make it difficult to seek individual nation-based solutions. The research centered on the topics of hydroelectric power development, policy, law, politics, diplomacy, environment, connectivity, and aid reflecting the participating researchers’ specialties and interests. The book consists of three sections. The first section facilitates readers’ understanding of the Mekong Region, the second section deals with the dilemma in development and environmental conservation, and the third section introduces a variety of problems to be solved for transnational cooperative governance. Understanding of the Mekong River that flows from Eastern China throughout Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia has become essential in forming relationships with Southeast Asian countries which are an important factor in establishing solidarity and cooperation between Asian countries. The Dilemma and Governance of Mekong Region Development and Environmental Cooperation will provide an in-depth understanding of the issue.