Future Earth and the Sustainability of Unified Korea: First Workshop

- Date & Time: Tuesday, 1 May, 2018, 17:00-19:00
- Place: International Conference Room(#303), SNUAC(Bldg#101)
- Speaker: Soon-Chang Yoon (Vice President for External Relations, The Korean Academy of Science & Technology)
- Organizer: SNUAC
- Inquiry: Eunhui Eom / +82-2-880-2098 / likemoon@snu.ac.kr
Sustainability has become humanity’s most important goal. Comprehensive and global disaster management for the sustainability of unified Korean peninsula is in need. Based on ‘Future Earth’ research, a research cooperation system that can predict climate changes and natural disasters in unified Korean peninsula, along with alternatives and global joint policies will be established. As a implementation measure for the joint declaration ‘The Future We Want’, selected at the 2012 Rio+20, Future Earth has organized the 10-year global research program conducted with ICSU, ISSG, UNEP, and UNESCO that enable the humanity to overcome the global changes in climate and environment, and seek policies for sustainable and fair future society. The workshop aims to establish Future Earth’s research program in Korea for the sustainability of Korean peninsula and facilitate large-scale international joint research.