[Making Their Own Public: Emotion and Self among the Urban Iranian Youth] Selected for 2018 National Academy of Sciences’ Outstanding Book Prize

Dr. Gi Yeon Koo’s book, Making Their Own Public: Emotion and Self among the Urban Iranian Youth, has received the 2018 National Academy of Sciences’ Outstanding Book Prize.  The seventh book in the SNUAC Monograph Series, it addresses the question of how today’s Iranian youth or so-called the ‘third generation’ develop the self amidst the traditional emotion structure in Iran and the Islamic regime’s control on emotional expressions.

About the Author

Dr. Gi Yeon Koo (kikiki9@snu.ac.kr) is a research fellow at SNUAC West Asia Center. She has received her doctorate in Anthropology and her research interests are psychological anthropology, Iranian young generation, Muslim women, new media, and Islam.
For more information, please visit Making Their Own Public