Iran-U.S. Relations: Historical Background and Future Prospects

  • Date: April 21st, Monday, 2025, 16:00 – 18:00
  • Location: Room 303, SNUAC (Bldg. 101)

Presenter: Siavash Saffari (Dept. of Asian Languages and Civilizations)
Since the Trump administration took office this past January, there has been much speculation regarding the future of U.S.-Iran relations. To make more accurate predictions, however, it is necessary to examine the historical context of their relationship. Although Iran and the United States are currently at odds on the international stage, their relationship has not always been so adversarial. The present state of U.S.-Iran relations is the result of a series of events that have accumulated since the 1979 Iranian Revolution, and the anger expressed by some segments of the Iranian public toward the U.S. is also rooted in the nature of U.S.-Iran ties prior to the revolution. This lecture, therefore, provides an overview of the history of U.S.-Iran relations from the early 20th century to the present, and based on this, offers a perspective on how the relationship may evolve under the Trump administration.