[Announcement] Application for 2024 SNUAC Master’s Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation Award

1. Introduction of SNU Asia Center

  • SNU Asia Center was established in September 2009 with a vision for “contribution towards Asia’s symbiotic development by building an international hub based on the research that focuses on both the region(s) and topics of Asia, and by creating and sharing knowledge for emerging future”.
  • In the medium and long term, SNU Asia center strives to become a world hub for research on Asia that engages with the regions and topics related to Asia by establishing a research center with other Asian regional centers.


2. Introduction of Support Project on researches on Asia

  • This project focuses on the research, international exchange, and human development that will lead to the prosperous age of Asian studies.
  • The 2024 support project also includes projects which support publishing research on Asia and writing a doctoral dissertation and SNUAC Master’s Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation Award.


Summary of SNUAC Doctoral Dissertation Award

1. Purpose

  • SNU Asia Center seeks to promote research on Asia by young researchers by granting an award for excellent Master’s thesis and Ph.D. dissertation on Asian region(s) and integrative topics related to Asia

2. Qualifications and Details

(1) Qualifications

  • Master’s Thesis and doctoral dissertation on the region(s) and topics related to Asia in domestic universities and research institutes (Exception: Korean Studies)
  • The thesis or dissertation that was submitted in the past two years (including the graduates of August 2024)


(2) Details:

  • Two Master’s thesis and two Doctoral dissertations will be selected.
  • 1,000,000 won granted to the receiver of the Excellent Master’s thesis Award and 3,000,000 won granted to the receiver of the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award
  • Support for publishing is available in case a doctoral dissertation is published as a book.


3. Application and Assessment

(1) Period of Application: August 1st, 2024 ~ August 18th, 2024

(2) Evaluation: The Research Committee of SNU Asia Center will go through two phases of assessment (First Phase: Assessment of suitability/ Second Phase: Assessment by experts)

(3) Announcement of winners: November 2024

(4) Award Ceremony: December 2024

4. How to apply

(1) Required Documents

  • A copy of the application
  • A copy of a summary of your thesis/dissertation (within 5 pages on A4 size paper)
  • A copy of the master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation and its PDF file

(2) How to submit the application and Reception Desk

  • How to Submit: an original copy of the application (submission by mail) should be submitted to the Office of Academic Research of SNU Asia Center and a file of the application should be sent in an email (online submission to snuac_research@gmail.com)  (Application is approved only when both the file and the original copy are submitted)
  • File name: SNUAC Masters Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation Award_YourName
  • Reception Desk: 1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 101 Dong 306 Ho (서울시 관악구 관악로 1 서울대학교 아시아연구소 101동 306호)

(3) Inquiry: Ara Ko, Telephone: 02-880-2693, e-mail: snuac_research@snu.ac.kr


5. Attachment

Application for 2024 SNUAC Master’s Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation Award