Yong Kyun Kim

International Relations(IR)
Research Interests: Vietnamese economy
Chair, Vietnam Center, SUN Asia Center, Seoul National University (SNU), November 2023 – present
Visiting Professor, Vietnam National University in Hanoi, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Political Science, September 2023 – present
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, College of Social Sciences, SNU, September 2020 – present
Associate Dean, College of Social Sciences, SNU, January – December 2022
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science & International Relations, College of Social Sciences, Ewha Womans University (EWU), March 2017 – August 2020
Associate Dean, Office of International Affairs, EWU, March 2019 – July 2020
Affiliated Faculty, HOKMA College of General Education, EWU, March 2018 – August 2020
Associate Professor of Political Science, School of International Studies (SIS), College of the Pacific, University of the Pacific (UOP), September 2016 – January 2017
Assistant Professor of Political Science, SIS, UOP, 2009 – 2016
Affiliated Faculty, Latin American Studies, UOP, 2014 – 2016
Ph.D. Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), 2009
M.A. Political Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 2001
B.S. Biology, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1998
Ongoing Research Projects
- “Experimental Studies of Governance in China, Vietnam, India, and Indonesia.”
- “State-led Development Models of Singapore, China, and Vietnam.”
- “Semiconductor Industrial Policy in the Era of Competition over Technological Hegemony: China, Taiwan, India, Singapore, and Vietnam.”
- “Ignorance and Prejudice: Sources of Misperceptions about Immigrants in South Korea, A Survey Experiment.”
- “Information and Collective Action in Ethnically Heterogeneous Communities: Field Experiments in an Urban District with Concentrated Vietnamese Immigrants.”
- “Political Economy of Vietnam’s Industrial Transformation.”
- “A Network Analysis of the Factions within the Vietnames Communist Party.”
- “Democratic Backsliding: Global Trends and Patterns.”
- “The Gap between Ideal and Reality on Meritocracy and Its Effects on Life Satisfaction.”
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
- Kim, Yong Kyun (first author), and Jaeseok Myung. 2022. “Changes in Vietnam’s Development Model Since 2008: The Involution of Hybridity.” Asia Review, 12(2): 135-168 [in Korean] (KCI).
- Myung, Jaeseok, and Yong Kyun Kim (corresponding author). 2021. “The Effects of Local CSR as a Political Risk Management Strategy of Foreign Companies: Comparison of Non-Market Strategies of Two Korean Companies Invested in an Urban Development Project in Vietnam.” The Southeast Asian Review, 31(4): 83-131 [in Korean] (KCI). Republished as Kim, Yong Kyun. 2022. in Suhong Chae. ed. CSR and Interactions with the Local Communities in Southeast Asia: Focusing on Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Myungin Books. 2021.
- Kim, Yong Kyun (first author), and Chung-Lae Cho. 2021. “Subnational Investment Promotion Agencies and Foreign Direct Investment in South Korea: A District-Level Analysis.” Korea Observer, 52(1): 83-106 (SSCI).
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2019. “Civic Solidarity: Civicness and Willingness to Pay for the Poor in Vietnam.” Korean Social Science Journal, 46(2): 125-139 (KCI). Revised and reprinted as Kim, Yong Kyun. 2022. “Grassroots Democracy as a Social Base for Pro-Poor Outcomes in Vietnam.” in Kuyoun Chung and Wonbin Cho. Eds. New Democracy and Autocratization in Asia. Routledge.
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2019. “When It Rains, It Pours: Foreign Direct Investment and Provincial Corruption in Vietnam.” Journal of East Asian Studies, 19(2): 141-168 (SSCI).
- Kim, Yong Kyun (first author), and Daniel C. O’Neill. 2019. “Political Institutions and Debt Dynamics: Centralization of Power Is a Double-Edged Sword.” Ewha Journal of Social Sciences, 45(1): 43-84 (KCI).
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2018. “A Tale of Four Provinces: A Comparative Analysis of Provincial Governance in Vietnam.” The Southeast Asian Review, 28(4): 115-159 [in Korean] (KCI).
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2018. “Global Value Chains, Political Risk, and Firms’ Investment Decision in Vietnam: A Firm-Level Analysis.” Korean Journal of International Relations, 58(3): 101-136 [in Korean] (KCI).
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2017. “States Sued: Democracy, the Rule of Law, and Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS).” International Interactions, 43(2): 300-325 (SSCI).
- Kim, Yong Kyun (first author), and Daniel C. O’Neill. 2017. “Transparent Motives: Democratic Advantage in International Credit Markets.” Journal of International Relations and Development, 20(1): 108-132 (SSCI).
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2017. “Inequality and Sovereign Default under Democracy.” Journal of Economics and Financial Analysis, 1(1): 81-115.
- Cho, Seok-ju, Yong Kyun Kim (corresponding author), and Cheol-Sung Lee. 2016. “Credibility, Preferences, and Bilateral Investment Treaties.” Review of International Organizations, 11(1): 25-58 (SSCI).
Non-peer reviewed:
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2024. “Vietnam: Review of 2023 and Outlook of 2024” Asia Brief: Current Issues and Policy Implications, 3(39). (Seoul National University Asia Center) [In Korean].
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2023. “Meritocracy in Asia: Beliefs in Its Ideals and Reality, and Life Satisfaction.” Asia Brief: Current Issues and Policy Implications, 3(39). (Seoul National University Asia Center) [In Korean].
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2022. “Can ESG Capitalism Save the World?.” VIP Local Insight: VIP of Southeast Asia and EGS, (The Institute of Social Sciences, Seoul National University) [in Korean].
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2019. “The Return of the Party: Vietnam at Crossroads.” DiverseAsia, 2019 Spring Issue, No. 4 (The Seoul National University Asia Center) [in Korean].
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2017. “The Political Economy of Rules of Origin and the Current Global Landscape of Free Trade Areas.” Institute of International Studies Issue Briefing, No. 26 [in Korean].
Book chapters:
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2023. “East Asia in the Electronics GVC.” In Reading Asia through Relations and Flows, edited by Jaeyeol Yee and Jungwon Huh [in Korean].
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2022. “Vietnam’s Foreign Policy as a Middle Ground State.” In Foreign Policy of the Middle Ground States on the Geopolitical Faults in Asia, edited by Beom-Shik Shin [in Korean].
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2021. “Vietnam’s Strategy for Globalization and the Politics of Economic Reform.” In Globalization 3.0 and Domestic Politics, edited by Seung-joo Lee [in Korean].
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2020. “Sovereignty and Regime Security: A Comparative Analysis of Southeast Asian States’ Foreign Policies toward China.” In Sovereignty and Comparative Regional Order, edited by Chaesung Chun [in Korean].
- Kim, Yong Kyun. 2020. “Vietnam: Accountability and Representation without Competition.” In New Normal Age, New Democracy in Asia, edited by Wonbin Cho [in Korean].