Suhong Chae

Cultural Anthropology
Research Interests: Vietnamese labor politics, History of Koreans in Vietnam, Labor process and class consciousness, Irregular workers and poverty in neo-liberalist system
Ph.D. CUNY (The City University of New York, Graduate School and University Center), Majored in Anthropology.
M.A. Department of Anthropology, Seoul National University. Majored in Anthropology.
B.A. Department of Anthropology, Seoul National University . Majored in Anthropology.
Professor, Department of Anthropology, Seoul National University
Director, Seoul National University Asian Center (SNUAC)
Director, Southeast Asian Center, SNUAC
Chief of Research, HK+ Mega Asia Project Team, SNUAC
Member, Korea-Vietnam EPG(Eminent Persons Group)
Korean representative member of NEAT (Network of East Asian Think-tank)
Member, Korean Society for Cultural Anthropology
Member of Korean Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Member, Vietnam Forum, Seoul National University
Director of the Research Team for VIP(Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippine) local societies in SEA
Director of BK(Brain Korea)21+ Team, Department of Anthropology, Seoul National University
Vice-president of Korean Association of Southeast Asian Studies
Committee member (BK21) of Cultural and Regional Development Organization (Ex-CRD) and Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology
Honorary Editorial Writer of Jeonbuk Ilbo(daily newspaper)
Visiting Professor at Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities at Viet Nam National University, Ho Chi Minh City
Editor in Chief of Open Jeonbuk
Executive Director of Korean Association of Southeast Asian Studies
Member of International Board of Directors for Korean Association of Southeast Asian Studies
Lecturer at The College of Staten Island, USA
Research fellow of Social Science Research Council
Research fellow of Wenner-Gren Foundation
Adjuct Professor, College of Staten Island, City University of New York.
Culture and Power, Industrial Anthropology, globalization and cultural changes, writing ethnographies
Business and Industrial Anthropology / Political Anthropology / Vietnam Studies
- 2022 [Corporate’s CSR activities and interactions with local societies] SNUAC.
- 2022 [Reconstruction of Asia and Asian Identity in post-cold war era] Jin-In-Jin Publisher.
- 2021 [Korean in Vietnam and transnational life and politics.] Nulmin Publisher.
- 2019 [A Study of Korean happiness and quality of life: international comparative and qualitative study]. KIHASA. Co-author.
- 2018 [The formation and disintegration of soviet-type university.] , Jininjin. Co-edited by Jung Keun Sik and Chae Suhong.
- 2014 [Barefoot scholars]. Nulmin Book. Co-authored by Jun Jae Sung, Kim Hyeong Jun, Hong Seok Jun, Chae Suhong, Lee Sang Kuk
- 2014 [A successful strategic management of human resources of new companies in Myanmar]. Korea Labor Foundation. Park Jang Sik, Chae Suhong, co- authors
- 2013 [A successful strategic personnel management of new companies in Vietnam]. Korea Labor Foundation.
- 2012 [The Southeast Asianphenomenon in Korea: The migration of people and culture]. (Kim Dong Yeop, Kim Hong Goo, Shim Doo Bo, Chae Suhong, and others co-authors). Myoungin Books.
- 2010 [The rights of immigrant workers and civic communities], Han Do Hyun, Chae Suhong, and others. Baeksan Seodang.
- 2008 [What about this kind of anthropology?]. Yi Jeong Duk, Chae Suhong, and others. Imagine.
- 2008 [Koreans in the multi-racial LA]. Yang Yeong Koon, Moon Yok Pyo, Park Kae Yong, Yi Jeong Duk, Chae Suhong co-authors. The Academy of Korean Studies.
- 2003 [Making of customs and labor activists]. Kyungin Publishing.
- 2020 [The Southeast Asia from the perspective of Korean Anthropologists]. 눌민 Nulmin. Co-author.
- 2019 [North Korean Labor Market and Economic cooperation]. Korean Institute of Labor Studies. Co-author.
- 2014 The Socioeconomic and Cultural Characteristics of Rural Society and the Position of Rural Development Projects in Myanmar. co-author with Kim Hee Suk. In Koich Ikegami, ed. ASIAN RURAL SOCIOLOGY 5: From Challenges to Prosperous Future in Rural Asia 1(2): 134-142. Japan Foundation.
- 2011 The dynamics of a Multinational Factory Regime and Recent Strikes in Vietnam. In Anita Chan, ed. Labor in Vietnam, pp. 252-277. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Singapore.
- 2011 [Despair and memory of Vietnamese returnees from immigrant labor in Korea)]. In Choe Won Sik, Baek Yong Seo, Shin Yoon Whan, Kang Tae Woong, eds. [Reading East Asia with keywords], pp. 215-217. Imagine.
- 2011 [My younger brother, Laos, untrustworthy Cambodia]. In Choe Won Sik, Baek Yong Seo, Shin Yoon Whan, Kang Tae Woong, eds. [Reading East Asia with keywords], pp. 218-220. Imagine.
- 2008 [Present and future of Korean Political Anthropology]. In Korean Society for Cultural Anthropology, ed. [A half century of cultural anthropology]. pp. 199-219. Sohwa.
- 2008 [Present and future task of East Asian regional cooperation: the social and cultural sectors. In Study Group for East Asian Community, ed. [East Asian communities and the future of Korea], pp. 347-372. Imagine.
- 2003 Contemporary Ho Chi Minh City in Numerous Contradictions. In J. Schneider and A. Susser, eds. Wounded Cities, pp. 227-248. Berg: New York.
- 2024. [What is to be done?: Dreaming international hub of regional studies.] Asian Brief 4(1).
- 2023. [The Dilemma and Practice of Regional Studies with humanistic face.] Asia Brief 3(46).
- 2022. [Introduction: globalization, migration, and Asian Identity.] Asian Review12(3):3-7.
- 2022. [Industrialization and East Asian regional identity in post-socialist Vietnam.] Asian Review 12(3):9-45.
- 2021. [Compliance, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Strikes: the case of Better Work Vietnam] [The Southeast Asian Review] 31(4):253-293.
- 2018. [Vietnam in 2017: The current state and future prospects of politics, economy, foreign relations]. [The Southeast Asian Review] 28(1): 21-51.
- 2017 The Political Processes of the Distinctive Multinational Factory Regime and Recent Strikes in Vietnam. Global Economic Review 24 Oct, pp.1-17.
- 2017 [Vietnam in 2016: The current state and future prospects of politics, economy, foreign relations]. [The Southeast Asian Review] 27(1): 163-191.
- 2016 The transnational life, culture, and politics of an ethnic Korean factory manager in Vietnam].[The Southeast Asian Review] 26(4): 279-320.
- 2016 [Industrialized history, socioeconomic change, and the resistance of labors: An ethnographic case in Binh Duong Provice of South Vietnam]. [Cross-Cultural Studies] 22(1): 541- 583.
- 2015 [The decline of traditional markets, the coping methods, and their future: An ethnographic study of Jeonju nambu markets]. [Cross-Cultural Studies] 21(1): 87-131.
- 2015 Review on Ties that Bind: Cultural Identity, Class and Law in Vietnam’s Labor Resistance. British Journal of Industrial Relations 53(2).
- 2014 [The transnational life of a Korean factory manager in Ho Chi Minh City: His working and living space].[Cross-Cultural Studies] 20(2): 47-94.
- 2013 [The phases and causes of wildcat strikes in Binh Duong Provice of South Vietnam]. [The Southeast Asian Review] 23(3): 1-48.
- 2013 [The field study of Vietnamese factor worker’s resistance]. [The Southeast Asian Review] 23(2): 269-321.
- 2010 The Candlelight Protest and the Politics of the Baby Stroller Brigades. Korea Journal.
- 2009 The Political Economy of Multinational Factory Regimes and Recent Strikes in Vietnam, [The Southeast Asian Review] 19(1): 67-111.
- 2008 [The neighboring nations of Vietnam as seen through the eyes of the Vietnamese people and the regional collaboration in East Asia. [The Southeast Asian Review] 18(1): 181-211.
- 2007 [East Asian interpersonal communication as seen through the lives of returned immigrant workers in Vietnam and its political implications]. [Cross-Cultural Studies]12(1).
- 2006 [Erectile disfunction, Viagra, and the masculinity of Korean men: A critique of the effects of Viagra]. [Korean Cultural Anthropology] 39(1).
- 2005 [Socioeconomic differentiation in Korean society in Ho Chi Minh City and identity politics].[Cross-Cultural Studies] 11(2).
- 2004 [The decline of coal-mining towns and their future: A case study of Taebaeksi Cheolam. [Cross-Cultural Studies] 10(1).
- 2003 [Political economic research on the reformation process of Ho Chi Minh City ].[Cross-Cultural Studies] 9(1).
- 2003 [The political process of a multi-national factory in Ho Chi Minh City]. [Korean Cultural Anthropology] 36(2).
- 2003 [Women, workers, women workers: Gender and class of feminist ethnography]. [Women Studies] 65(2).
Labor Politics in Vietnam (2011- present)
Labor and Class Consciousness (1998- present)
Work, Poverty, and Neoliberalism (2015- present)
Life Histories of Koreans in Vietnam (2016-present)