Asia Review Vol.11 | No.3 | 2021

Asian Transformations and Futures: Asian Spatial Futures
Introduction to the Special Issue: Asian Transformations and Futures
| Edo Andriesse and Siavash Saffari
A Multi-Level Analysis of Innovative Korean SME Activity
and Related Innovation Ecosystem
| Douglas R. Gress, Ronald V. Kalafsky, and Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen
City in a Village: Imagining a Rural Future for South Korea | Annie Pedret
Spatial-economic Transformation, the Covid-19 Pandemic, and Possible Futures in Rural Southeast Asia
| Edo Andriesse, Quynh T. N. Pham, Thu L. T. Dinh, Chaturong Kongkaew, Adirake Markphol,
and Jawanit Kittitornkool
Finding the Right Path: Towards a Buddhist Sense of Corporate Ethics in Bhutan
| Stephan Sonnenberg, Adrian von Bernstorff, and Thinley Namgay
Free Themes
An Exploratory Study on China’s Digital Platform Companies and State Governance | Woo Park
The Socioeconomic Context of the Smart Cities Mission in India:
Strategy to Build Infrastructure Countering Fiscal Deficit in a Mediating Position between the Economic and the Political Vicious Circles
| Sung Yong Kang
Social Security Systems Changes in Asian Post Socialist Countries: Focusing on the Differences between Southeast Asian and European Countries
| Hyejin Ko and Kichae Min
The Politics of Nostalgia and the Marcos Golden Age in the Philippines | Fernan Talamayan
Book Reviews
State and Entrepreneurs in the Reform-Era China:
A Review on Chinese Capitalists within the Communist Party | Jaesok Kim
Variations of Openness and Closure, Crossing the Boundary Space:
A Review on Characteristics of Boundaries and Crossing Boundaries in Ancient China | Jinwoo Kim
New Dynamics and Order of the Middle East: A Review on Understanding of New Political Order in the Middle East:
Conflict and Fragmentation | Seunghoon Paik