WTO Dispute Settlements of ASEAN

- Author: Hee Ryang Ra
- Publication Date: July / 2020
- Publisher: SNU Press
Analyzing WTO disputes for sustainable and constructive cooperation with ASEAN
ASEAN is a strategically important region for Korea in terms of economy, politics, and diplomacy. For sustainable and constructive cooperation with ASEAN, an understanding of ASEAN would be necessary. In this aspect, this study seeks to widen the understanding of ASEAN’s trade and commerce through an inclusive understanding of ASEAN’s WTO dispute settlements. The book analyzes WTO dispute settlements of ASEAN, tariff and non-tariff measures, and institutions of solving trade disputes that can be utilized for solving trade disputes in the region. Further, the book presents policy implications that can respond to trade disputes that cannot help but occur in the process of ASEAN’s development into a single market and the directions of trends and changes in the external commerce policy of ASEAN. Based on these, the book examines the universality and specificity of ASEAN.
Hee Ryang Ra
Prof. Ra currently works as a professor in the Division of International Commerce at Pukyong National University and has worked as an economist at the Bank of Korea, researcher at POSCO Research Institute’s Regional Research Center, assistant professor at the Department of International Trade at Busan University of Foreign Studies, co-researcher at the Southeast Asian Regional Institute at Busan University of Foreign Studies, visiting researcher at Seoul National University Asia Center, and visiting professor at the World Trade Institute (WTI) at the University of Bern, Switzerland. He received his B.A. in economics from Seoul National University and completed the master’s coursework in Asian area studies, and then received M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He mostly studies international economy, international commerce and Southeast Asian economy, with major papers including “WTO Dispute Settlements of Indonesia: in the Context of Trade Policy”, “WTO Dispute Settlements of Southeast Asia: The Trend and Challenges” and “Effects of Urbanization on Economic Growth of Southeast Asia: Based on the Williamson’s Hypothesis” and major authored works including Easy Reading for Trade and WTO, Urbanization and Economic Development in Southeast Asia (co-authored), and Introduction to New Trade in the Global Era (co-authored).