Department Head of Korean Studies at Université Bordeaux Montaigne Visits SNUAC

SNUAC is currently collaborating with Asia studies researchers in France in diverse forms. In terms of education, we are collaborating with Université Paris Diderot and INALCO (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales) through the e-School program, and with Université Bordeaux Montaigne in southern France, we have been expanding our exchange since 2017 by consistently opening e-School classes. Students from Université Bordeaux Montaigne are visiting Seoul National University every summer as part of the educational exchange of the e-School program.
On Wednesday, October 30, Professor Stéphane Couralet, the head of the Korean studies department at Université Bordeaux Montaigne, visited SNUAC. Professor Couralet expressed his appreciation for SNUAC’s e-School classes satisfying the increased French interest in Korea, and discussed plans of expanding the school’s collaboration with SNUAC. Professor Couralet indicated that there needs to be expanded collaboration in research as well, since an Asia studies research institute has been established at Université Bordeaux Montaigne following Bordeux’s growing interest in Asia. The discussion especially included an active consideration for an MOU between GIS ASIE (French Academic Network on Asian Studies), SNUAC and Université Bordeaux Montaigne’s research institute of Asian studies. SNUAC thus looks forward to expanding opportunities for cooperating with Asia studies researchers in southern France.