한국대중문화, 스페인어권 화자들의 아시아대중문화 수용, 스페인어권 화자 대상 온라인 한국학 수업안 개발, 한반도 통일 후 역사 교육
- 한국외국어대학교 서반아어과 중남미문학박사
칠레가톨릭대학교 역사학과 교수, 아시아학센터 집행위원 (2006 ~ 현재)
(칠레) 발파라이소가톨릭대학교, 아돌포이바녜스대학교 강의
(한국) 한국외국어대학교, 한중남미협회 강의
KF e-School Program for Latin America (2015. 01 ~ 05, 강의제목 Korean Pop Culture)
(미국) 미시건대학교 초빙교수 (2016. 06 ~ 08, 강의제목 K-Pop! Assessing the Impact of Korean Wave in Latin America)
(독일) 베를린자유대학교 초빙교수 (2017. 09 ~ 2018. 02, 강의제목 Korean Wave)
(독일) 독일 이베로아메리카연구소 (Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut) 객원연구원 (2017. 09 ~ 2018. 02)
(한국) 서울대학교 규장각 국제한국학센터 규장각펠로 (2020. 09 ~ 2022. 02)
한국일보 칼럼 <민원정의 중남미포커스> (2021. 02 ~ 현재)
Min, W. & Kang, S.H. (2021). Same History, Different Experiences and Memories: Simulations Involving History Education in a Post-Unification Korean Peninsula by the Students of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. The Journal of Education 41, 23-44. Special Issue.
Min, W. (2021). The Perfect Man: The Ideal Imaginary Beauty of K-pop Idols for Chilean Fans. Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 34(1), 159-194.
Min, W. (2021).현장보고. 지구 반대편 칠레의 대학생들이 준비하는 통일 한국. <통일과 평화> (Journal of Peace and Unification Studies) 13(1), 293-304.
Min, W. (2021). Book Review, “Min on Vogel, ́Migrant Conversions ́” By Erica Vogel. H-LatAm, H-Net Reviews. January, 2021.
Min, W. (2021). Mis Chinos, Tus Chinos: The Orientalism of Chilean K-pop Fans. International Communication Gazette 83(8), 799-817. First Published Online June 2, 2020.
Yoon, K., Min, W., & Jin, D. Y. (2020). Consuming the Contra-Flow of K-pop in Spain. Journal of Intercultural Studies 41(2), 132-147. First Published Online Feb. 11, 2020.
Min, W., Jin, D. Y. & Han, B. (2019). Transcultural Fandom of the Korean Wave in Latin America: through the Lens of Cultural Intimacy and Affinity Space. Media, Culture & Society 41(5), 604-619. First Published Online Sep. 14, 2018.
Min, W. (2016). Implicit Notions of Korean Identity: The Absence of Explicit Communication in Korean Hybrid Greetings. Universum: Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales 31(2), 119-140.
Jin, Y. J., Min, W., & Yoo, J. W. (2016). The Impact of Tourism Advertising on Corporate Attitudes and Tourism Intentions: Country and Corporation Interactions in the Halo Effect and Public Diplomacy. Tourism, Culture and Communication 16(3), 109-121.
Min, W. (2016). La educación en ambas Coreas: perspectivas de su influencia ante una eventual reunificación. Escenarios Actuales 1, 45-52.
Min, W. (2016). Post-unification Inter-Korean Intercultural Communication: Examining the Impact of History Education on New Identity Formation. S/N Korean Humanities 12(1), 105-121.
Min, W. (2015). A Short History of the Ups and Downs of Korean Studies in Latin America. The Journal of Contemporary Korean Studies 2(1), 181-197.
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- 편서 (2017). Comunicación política, diplomática y sociocultural entre Corea y el mundo [한국과 세계의 정치·외교·사회·문화 소통]. Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Patagonia ebooks del sur. E-book.
- 편서 (2015). Estudios coreanos para hispanohablantes. Un acercamiento crítico, comparativo e interdisciplinario [스페인어 화자를 위한 한국학. 비판적, 비교적, 통합적 접근]. Santiago, Chile: Ediciones UC.
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