Seoul National University Asia Center International Conference

Date: 2014. December 12-13(Friday and Saturday) Venue: Seoul National University Asia Center, Seoul, South Korea   Organization : Seoul National University North East Asian research center / East Asia research institute of Sungkonghoe University / Global History Project of Freie Universität Berlin   O Motivation   Recently, “Cold War Studies”


2014년 12월 12일 - 9:00 am


2014년 12월 13일 - 7:00 pm



Date: 2014. December 12-13(Friday and Saturday)

Venue: Seoul National University Asia Center, Seoul, South Korea


Organization : Seoul National University North East Asian research center / East Asia research institute of Sungkonghoe University / Global History Project of Freie Universität Berlin


O Motivation


Recently, “Cold War Studies” are moving to “Cold War History studies”. Especially, research topics are expanding from traditional diplomatic history between U.S. and Soviet Union to Social history, cultural history and everyday history of the Cold War.

This conference will approach the Cold War of Europe and Asia, by focusing on the Idea, institution, and the space. We will try to get more comparative view on the continuity, difference and similarity between each other’s experience. For this, we need to take a perspective of ‘relocation’ and ‘multi-scalar’ approach. It means we need cross Global-Regional-National/national-Local levels and various topics.

This conference will not provide simple comparison between European and Asian cold war experiences. Rather, each topic will be examined by each other’s position, to reveal multipleness and complexity of the Cold War. But, it doesn’t mean to emphasize particularity and specificity of each experience.

This conference will ask these challenging research questions,

1) The concept and spaces of the Cold War in Europe and Asia, and the division/occupation problem. 2) The Humanities on the border between security and peace 3) The Cold War events and cultural cold war in Europe and Asia 4) Comparing cold war in Europe and Asia and legacy of Cold War such as territory and citizenship



Friday, December 12th

Registration and Welcome address(09:30-10:00)

   MyungKoo Kang(Director of Asia Center of Seoul National University)



Keynote Speech (10:00-10:30)

   Professor KeunSik Jung(Sociology, SNU) 

   “Continuous Wars in East Asia, Postcolonial state formation and the Cold War”



First Session (10:30-12:30): The concepts and spaces of the Cold War


Moderator: JungMi Park(Hanyang Univ.)


  • DeugJung Kim(National Institute of Korean History), “Space of the Empire: The Genealogy of Cold War Space-Thought”,
  • Wilfried Loth(Kulturwissenschaftliche Institut Essen, “The Cold War and the Division of Germany: a complex history”
  • SungHyun Kang(Sungkonghoe Univ.), JiEun, Ha(SNU), “Comparative Historical Sociology of United States ‘Occupational trusteeship’: Focus on Korea, Austria and Okinawa”,
  • HakJae Kim(Freie Universität Berlin, Graduate School of East Asian Studies), “The Birth of Liberal Peace Club in East Asia: San Francisco Peace Treaty(1951) and Korea”



Lunch 12:30-02:00


►Second Session (02:00 – 04:00): The Humanity between Peace and Security


Moderator: SungHyun Kang(Sungkonghoe Univ)


  • Holger Nehring(University of Stirling), “The Politics of Security: Peace Movements and the Cold War in Britain and West Germany in the 1950s and Early 1960s”
  • YoungSin Jung(Jeju Univ.), “The Division of Labor Structure of Security and the Networks of East Asian Military Base of the U.S.”
  • Jeong-eun Lee (Sungkonhoe Univ.), “People Crossing the Cold War: Omura Concentration Camp and the Stow-away”
  • JungMi Park(Hanyang Univ), “Women at the Military Base Town, Homo Sacer of the Cold War”

Discussion session (16:00-17:30)

Moderator: DongKi Lee(Kangneung Univ.)

DongKi Lee(Kangneung Univ.), TaeWoo Kim(|SNU), WookHee Shin(SNU),

Bernd Greiner(Hamburger Institut)


Dinner reception (18:00 – )

Asia Center Seoul National University


Saturday, December 13th

►Keynote Speech (10:00-10:30)

Wilfried Loth, “The Cold War and the Social and Economic History of the Twentieth Century.”


Third Session 10:30-13:00 : The Cold War Event and Cultural Cold War

Moderator : NamSub Kim(Seoul Technology Univ.)

  • Bernd Greiner(Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung), “An European-Asian Arc of Crisis: KAL 007, Euro missiles and the War Scare of 1983”
  • Axel Schildt(Universität Hamburg), “the West German Anticommunist Perception of the Dangerous Russian Threat as a so called “Asian threat”
  • MinHwan Kim(SNU), “The Cold War and the Post Cold War of Quemoy Island(金門島)”,
  • ImHa Lee(Korea Open Univ.), “Symbols and Images of the Cold War Enemy”


Lunch 13:00-14:00


►Fourth Session: Round Table [14:30—17:30]

Moderator: KeunSik Jung(SNU)

– How to compare European and East Asian Cold War?

– Territory and citizenship issues as legacies of Wars

– Achievements and future goal of Cold War history studies


Topic speech : WonDam Paek(Sungkonghoe Univ.), HeonIk Kwon(Cambridge), ByungJun Chung(Ehwa Univ.), Axel Schildt(Universität Hamburg), Yuka Tsuchiya(Ehime Univ.) [each 15 minutes]


Panel discussant: Michael Kim(Yonsei Univ.), TaeGyun Park(SNU), YongWook Jung(SNU), DongKi Lee(Wonju Univ.), Wilfried Loth(Essen)

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