Patrick Messerlin

Patrick Messerlin

Professor Emeritus, Sciences Po Paris, France


1971 PhD in economics, University of Paris I
1967 Masters in economics, University of Paris I
1965 B.A. in economics, University of Paris I



2013-present Professor Emeritus, Sciences Po Paris, France
1998-present Director, Groupe d’Economie Mondiale at Sciences Po (GEM)
1990-2012 Professor, Sciences Po Paris
1986-1990 Senior Economist, Research Department, World Bank, Washington, USA
1985-1986 Professor, University of Paris XII
1981-1985 Professor, University of Lille I
1975-1981 Associate Professor, University of Paris XII
1971-1974 Assistant Professor, University of Paris XII




5/ Visiting Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University, February-June 2013.

4/ Raymond Barre-Stiftungsgastprofessur, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt Am Main, Allemagne, June-July 2006.

3/ Visiting Professor, Keio University, September 1996, September 1998.

2/ Visiting Professor, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, Summer 1984.

1/ Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Houston, Texas, USA, Winter 1977.




14/ Chairman, Steering Committee and Advisory Board, European Center for International Economic Policy, Brussels, 2007.

13/ Member, Advisory Board, Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI), Paris, 2015.

12/ Chairman, Global Agenda Trade Council, World Economic Forum, 2010-2011 (Member of the Council since 2009 and until 2012).

11/ Co-chairman, with Jean-Pierre Chauffour, World Bank, of the International Advisory Committee on Preferential Trade Agreements. World Bank, German Marshall Fund and GEM.

10/ Co-chairman, with Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico, Director, Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, of the Task Force on « Global Trade and Finance Architecture”, The World Bank and Department dor International Development (DFID), 2008-March 2011.

9/ Co-chairman, with Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico, Director, Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, of the Task Force on “Trade for Development” for the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations, September 2003 to April 2005.

8/ Special adviser to M. Mike Moore, Director General, World Trade Organization (WTO), May 2001 to September 2003.

7/ Trade Adviser, Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, in charge of the monitoring of the free trade agreements between Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, and of preparing a Single Free Trade Agreement between these countries, January 2001 to May 2006.

6/ Member of the Shadow G8 Group initiated by the Japanese Government for contributing to the G8 Summits of Okinawa (2000) Genoa (2001) Kannaskis (2002) and Evian (2003). The other Shadow G8 Group members were C. Fred Bergsten, Leon Brittan, John Chipman, Richard Cooper, Wendy Dobson, Boris Fedorov, David Folkerts-Landau, Yoichi Funabashi, Paolo Guerrieri, Toyoo Gyohten, Karl Kaiser, Serguei Karaganov, Henry Kissinger, Barbara McDougall, Thierry de Montbrial, Joseph Nye, Jr., Richard Portes, Renato Ruggiero, Paul Volcker, Robert Zellick.

5/ Member, Coordinating Committee of European Trade Study Group (Professor Joe Francois, Erasmus University, Netherlands) 1999-2003.

4/ Member of the World Academic Panel (Kym Anderson, Robert Baldwin, C. Fred Bergsten, Jagdish Bhagwati, John Jackson, Sylvia Ostry, Ademola Oyejide, Jaime Serra Puche, Horst Siebert, Augustine Tan) in charge of the 50th Anniversary of GATT, 1998.

3/ Member of the Advisory Committee on Competition Policy, Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes, Ministère de l’Economie, Paris, France, 1997 to 2004.

2/ Member of the European Academic Panel set up by the European Commission for monitoring the 40 reports of the « 1996 Review of the Impact and Effectiveness of Internal Market Legislation » which dealt with the 1992 Programme and the Single Market, November 1995 to November 1996.

1/ Member of the Wise Men Group on State Aids to the Director General of DG-IV (Competition) of the European Commission for advising on the various issues related to state aid and competition issues (Article 92 à 94 of the Treaty of Rome), 1992 to 1998.




6/ Member of the publication committees, The Journal of International Economic Law, (editor: John Jackson, Georgetown University) since 2000.

5/ Member of the publication committees, Acta Oeconomica, Budapest (editor: Adam Torok) since 2000.

4/ Member of the publication committees, The World Economy (editors: David Greenaway, University of Nottingham et John Whalley, University of Warwick) 1991-1999.

3/ Member of the publication committees, The European Journal of Political Economy (editors: A. Hillman, S. Nitzan et H. Ursprung), North Holland Publishing Company, 1994-1998.

2/ Member of the publication committees, Studies in International Trade Policy,” University of Michigan Press, 1990-1996.

1/ Referee for American Economic Review, European, Economic Review, Journal of International Economic Law, Economies in Transition, The World Economy, Weltwirschaftliches Archiv, etc.




Patrick Messerlin is Professor Emeritus of economics at Sciences Po Paris, and serves as Chairman of the Steering Committee of the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE). He was also a Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University (2013). His current research deals with EU-East Asia economic and trade relations, cultural industries, and regulatory reforms in the EU. He is the author of many articles, reports, and books, in particular Measuring the Costs of Protection in Europe: European Commercial Policy in the 2000s (Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2001) and Europe after the No Votes (Institute of Economic Affairs, 2006).

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