The Potential of Transnational Networks of Difficult Heritage: Hansen’s Disease Heritage in Northeast and Southeast

일시: 2024년 10월 4일 (금) 9:30~17:00 장소: 서울대학교 아시아연구소 삼익홀


2024년 10월 4일 - 9:30 am


2024년 10월 4일 - 5:00 pm


서울대학교 아시아연구소 삼익홀(220호)

2024 International Conference

The Potential of Transnational Networks of Difficult Heritage: Hansen’s Disease Heritage in Northeast and Southeast


Date & Time: October 4, 2024, 09:30-17:00

Venue: Samik Hall, Seoul National University Asia Center (SNUAC)

Organizers: Mega-Asia Project (SNUAC), Korean Social History Association

Sponsor: Korean National Commission for UNESCO, Sorokdo National Hospital


09:30-09:40 Registration

09:40-09:50 Welcoming Remarks (Simultaneous interpretation)

Prof. Jaehyung Kim (Korea National Open University)

09:50-10:10 Congratulatory Speech (Simultaneous interpretation)

Prof. Suhong Chae (Seoul National University)

Prof. Hochul Seo (Korean Social History Association)

Director Jongeok Park (Sorokdo National Hospital)

10:10-10:50 Keynote Speech (Simultaneous interpretation)

Prof. Sungyong Joh (Johsungyong Architect Office / UBAC) – Intervention through History


[Session 1]

10:50-12:10 Korea (Moderator: Prof. Jungwon Huh-Seoul National University)             

Prof. Jaehyung Kim (Korea National Open University) – The Politics of Memory in the Sorokdo National Hospital as a Heritage of Hansen’s Disease in South Korea

Prof. Yeonkyung Lee (Yonsei University) – Your Paradise, Sorokdo: What to Remember, How to Remember This ‘Difficult’ Island

     Hyunchul Kim (Toronto University) – Resettlement again: The forced displacement of Hope Village in South Korea in the 1970s and (im)possibility of Heritagization

Discussants: Prof. Jintae Hwang (Dongguk University), Prof. Han Sang Kim (Ajou University)


12:10-13:30 Lunch


[Session 2]

13:30-14:50 Japan & Taiwan (Moderator: Dr. Hyunjong Noh -Soongsil University)

 Prof. Shu-yi Wang (Chinese Culture University) – Quarantine Landscapes of the Losheng Sanatorium in Taiwan

Prof. Yiling Hung (National Tsing Hua University) – The Evolution of Disease Space: The Example of Hansen’s Disease in Taiwan

Prof. Waka Hirokawa (Senshu University) – The Ongoing Movement to Register Nagashima’s Hansen’s Disease-Related Historical Properties as World Heritage from Historical and Critical Perspectives

Discussants: Prof. Haenam Park (Keimyung University), Prof. Sung Hee Ru (Hankyong National University)



15:00-16:20 Malaysia, Vietnam, & Indonesia (Moderator: Prof. Heonik Kwon-Seoul National University)

Prof. Heonghong Por (Universiti Sains Malaysia) – Discourse and Dissonance: Heritagization of Sungai Buloh Leprosy Settlement in Malaysia

Prof. Van Thuy Pham (Vietnam National University, Hanoi) – Leprosy and Leprosarium system in French Indochina: An Overview

 Dr. Ravando (Monash University) – “I am a leper, are you also afraid of me?”: Donorojo and the Care for Leprosy Patients in Java

Discussants: Prof. Daeyeong Youn (Seoul National University), Prof. Minjae Zoh (Seoul National University)


16:20-17:00 Group Discussion



On October 4, 2024, Seoul National University Asia Center (SNUAC) played host to the 2024 International Conference on the topic of “The Potential of Transnational Networks of Difficult Heritage: Hansen’s Disease Heritage in Northeast and Southeast Asia.” The conference was organized by the SNUAC HK+ Mega-Asia Project and the Korean Social History Association. The first session focused on research that explored the topic in South Korea, including the politics of memory, forced displacement and resettlement and the what it means to heritagize a site. The second session focused on the regions of Japan and Taiwan, with research that examined the spatial dimensions of Hansen’s disease, such as quarantine landscapes, and what it means to designate a site as world heritage. The third session introduced research that examined Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia, in context of settlements, colonial legacy and stigmatization. The conference ended with a vibrant comprehensive group discussion that drew on comparative parallels across the research regions to discuss the heritage of Hansen’s disease.


10월 11일 오전 9시 30분부터 “The Potential of Transnational Networks of Difficult Heritage: Hansen’s Disease Heritage in Northeast and Southeast Asia”라는 주제로 국제학술대회를 개최했다. 본 국제학술행사는 서울대학교 아시아연구소 HK+ 메가아시아 사업단과 한국사회사학회가 공동 주최로 진행했다. 학술행사는 3세션으로 나눠줘서 진행했다. 첫 번째 세션에서는 한국을 중심으로 탐구한 연구를 통해 기억, 강제 이주 및 재정착의 정치, 유적지 유산화의 의미 등에 대해 발표와 토론했다. 두 번째 세션에서는 일본과 대만을 중심으로 검역 지역 등과 같은 한센병의 공간적 차원과 세계 문화유산으로 지정하는 것이 무엇을 의미하는지에 대한 연구를 발표와 토론했다. 세 번째 세션에서는 말레이시아, 베트남, 인도네시아를 대상으로 정착촌, 식민지 유산, 비난과 관련한 연구를 소개했다. 마지막으로 활기찬 종합 토론으로 동북-동남아시아에서 한센병의 유산 비교연구에 대해 논의했다.

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