한일 사회적 혁신 공동 워크숍

일시: 2023년 03월 09일(목)~2023년 03월 11일(토) 장소: 서울대학교 아시아연구소 국제회의실(303호)


임현진 교수
시민사회프로그램 디렉터 / 서울대 사회학과 명예교수
공석기 박사
선임연구원 / 시민사회 프로그램 공동연구원


2023년 3월 9일


2023년 3월 11일


서울대학교 아시아연구소 303호

3시-5시 워크숍 1

Day 1 March 9th at Seoul National University Asia Center: Social innovation in Japan

Moderator: Hyunchin Lim

For the comparative study of social innovation; from the perspective of Japanese case
(Tatsuro Niikawa, Doshisha U.)

The Trend of social enterprises in Japan for two decades
(Atsuko Hattori, Doshisha U.)

Developing human resources for sustainability through industry-academia collaboration: A case study of industry-academia-education collaboration
(Koji Taniguchi, Mukogawa Women’s U.)

Discussants: Sukki Kong, Youngchoon Kim & Romee Lee


6시: 저녁식사 @사르샤 & 전주 이동 (by KTX) 숙박 @전주 이가한옥

Day 2 March 10th at Jeon-ju University: Depopulation and regeneration


Moderator: Sukki Kong

Local Co-Creation Ecosystem Enabling Creative Depopulation-Kamiyama Evolutionary Theory: Community Design that Transforms Depopulation into Possibility
(Junya Sano, Osaka Seikei U.)

A Case Study on the Collaboration between an Underpopulated Community and a University Research Seminar
(Shigeru Imasato, Doshisha U.)

Discussants: Wonjee Cho, Jinhee Kim, & Taekyoon Kim


Day 3 March 11th at Hangang Social COOP


Theme 3: Local Development and Tourism

The Potential of GIAHS & SDGs Tourism: A Case Study of “Biwa Lake to Land Integrated System”
(Junko Owada, Doshisha U.)

Tourism in the Future: A Case Study on Minpaku Running by Millennials or Generation Z
(Kazuko Kobayash, Doshisha U.)

Discussants: Joanne Cho & Suk-Ki Kong






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