The Third International Conference on Post-Western Sociology: Vision of Post-Western Sociology from East Asia

일시: 2024년 9월 10일(화)-11일(수) 장소: 서울대학교 아시아연구소 삼익홀(220호)


임현진 교수
시민사회프로그램 디렉터 / 서울대 사회학과 명예교수
공석기 박사
선임연구원 / 시민사회 프로그램 공동연구원


2024년 9월 10일 - 9:00 am


2024년 9월 11일 - 6:00 pm


서울대학교 아시아연구소 삼익홀(220호)

서울대 아시아연구소에서 다가오는 9월에 <3rd Conference on Post-Western Sociology: Vision of Post-Western Sociology from East Asia>라는 주제로 국제학술회의를 개최합니다. 이번 학술회의는 “Well-being, Post-Western Sociology, Community and City, Regional Development, Social Structure, Culture, 그리고 Postmodern and Post-Western East Asia”를 세부 주제로 다양한 세션을 구성하여 한국, 중국, 일본, 그리고 프랑스의 연구자들이 자유롭게 발표하고 토론하는 교류의 장을 만들어보려 합니다.

Day 1: Arrival and Welcome


Time: 18:00

Venue: Hoam Faculty House at SNU

Dinner: Superintendent of Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education



Day 2: September 10


Welcoming Address


Time: 8:45-9:10

Venue: Samik Hall, SNUAC


Kwang-Yeong SHIN (President of the East Asian Sociological Association, Chung-Ang University, Korea)

Dukjin CHANG (President of the Korean Sociological Association, Seoul National University, Korea)

Wonho JANG (President of the Korean Social Science Research Council)


Keynote Speech


Time: 9:10-10:30

Venue: Samik Hall, SNUAC



Moderator: Seung Kuk KIM (Pusan National University)


Laurence ROULLEAU-BERGER (French National Center of Scientific Research, Ecole Normal Supérieure de Lyon, Triangle), “The fabric of Post-Western Sociology: dialogues, dissonance and autonomous knowledge” (Zoom presentation)

Shujiro YAZAWA (Seijo University), “The Modernist Social Science in the post-War Japan:  A fundamental problem of the Japanese Sociology”

Hyun-Chin LIM (Seoul National University), ”Entanglement in Asia’s Political Economy – What Should We Do“

Lizhong XIE (Peking University), “Ancient-Modern” or “Eastern-Western”: A Core Issue for Post-Western Sociological Studies”

Discussants: Sang Jin HAN(Seoul National University) and Dai NOMIYA(Chuo University),   


Session 1 Well-being                                                           


Time: 10:40 – 12:10

Venue: Samik Hall


Moderator: Dai NOMIYA (Chuo University)


Jaeyeol YEE (Seoul National University), “Development, Culture, and Diverse Mechanisms of Social Well-being in Asia”


Miwako HOSODA (Seisa University), “Post-Western Sociology on Life and Death: Death with Dignity and Just Living,”


Jean-Pierre POULAIN (University of Toulouse and Taylor’s University Malaysia), “Food studies a privileged empirical field for studying compressed modernization.”


Jingqian BI (Ludong University), “Urban Resources, Social Capital, and Interest-based Education: A Case Study Based on the 2019 Survey of Mega Cities.”


Discussants: Kwang-Yeong Shin (Chung-Ang University) and Wonho JANG (City University of Seoul)



Lunch: 6th SNUAC Lounge (Hosted by Academy of Korean Studies)


Session 2.  Post-Western Sociology

Time: 13:30 – 15:00

Venue: Samik Hall


Moderator: Sang-Jin HAN (Seoul National University)


Peilin LI (Institute of Sociology, CASS), “The theoretical framework of new development sociology in the perspective of Post-Western Sociology.”


Dai NOMIYA (Chuo University), “Constructing methodological guidelines for the production of post-western wisdom.”


Zheng BING (Jilin University), “Inclusiveness and cultural identity of the Chinese civilization.”


Sang Joon KIM (Kyunghee University), “Two Types of Modernity: Expansive and Inpansive.”


Discussants: Sylvie OCTOBRE (French Ministry of Culture and Centre Max Weber, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon) and Jinwook SHIN(Chung-Ang University)



Session 3. Community and City

Time: 15:10 – 16:30

Venue: Samik Hall


Moderator: Ikki KIM (Dongkook University)


Suk-Ki KONG (Seoul National University), “Care Democracy through Light Community beyond Agrocracy in South Korea”


Jinwoo SHIN (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Triangle), “Dequalified refugees and labor markets in France and Korea: careers, capacity of action and transnational community.”


Tetsuo MIZUKAMI(Rikkyo University), “Increase in Foreign Residents and Changes in Japan’s Urban Neighborhood Associations.”



Discussants: Dong-Hoon SEOL (Jeonbuk National University) and Miwako HOSODA (Seisa University)



Session 4. Regional Development

Time: 16:30 – 18:00

Venue: Samik Hall


Moderator: Hongik Chung (Seoul National University)


Xuan WANG (Deputy director of the Institute of Korean Studies, Jilin Academy of Social Sciences), “China’s Revitalization” and the Development of Rural Autonomy in Northeast Area”


Hui WANG (Director of the Institute of Korean Studies, Jilin Academy of Social Sciences),

“The evolution and social adaptation of Chinese overseas social organizations in South Korea”


Discussants: Ikki Kim (Dongkook University) and Il-Jun Jung (Korea University)



Session 5. Social Structure

Time: 16:30-18:00

Venue: SNUAC Room #304


Moderator: Myung-Kyu PARK (Seoul National University and Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology)


Haidong, ZHANG (Shanghai University), “Dual Binary Labor Market Segmentation in China’s Megacities – Theoretical Model and Empirical Test”


Dunggen, YE (Pukyong National University), “Urban Bureaucratic System and Social Structure in China”


Youmei LI (Shanghai University), “Some Reflections on the Construction of Sociological Theory with Chinese Characteristics”


Discussants: Suk-Ki KONG (Seoul National University) and Vincenzo CICCHELLI(Global Research Institute of Paris, University Paris Cite)


Dinner: 2nd Lounge and Deck, SNUAC (Hosted by Dean of College of Social Sciences, SNU)




Day 3

September 11


Session 6. Culture

Time: 09:00 – 10: 30

Venue: Samik Hall


Moderator: Mun Cho KIM (Korea University)


Chunguang WANG (Institute of Sociology, CASS), “The cultural foundation of the development of Chinese sociology”


Di ZHU (Institute of Sociology, CASS), “Reshaping the macro analysis: Towards a new sociology of consumption.”


Vincenzo CICCHELLI (Global Research Institutes of Paris, Université Paris Cité) and Sylvie OCTOBRE (French Ministry of Culture and Centre Max Weber, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon), “Hallyu as an estheticized global pop culture: a monographic approach.”


Discussants: Jungwon Huh (Seoul National University) and Donggen Ye(Bukyong National University)


Session 7. Postmodern and Post-Western East Asia


Time: 10: 40 – 12:00

Venue: Samik Hall


Moderator: Jong-Hoe YANG (Sungkoonkwan University)


Kokichi SHOJI (Tokyo University) “Sharing a Historical Perspective among East Asian Peoples — For a Global Sociology from the Post-western Standpoint of East Asian Nations”


Il-Joon Chung (Korea University), “Recognition in Theory and Practice: Toward Normalizing Relationships between Western and Eastern Sociology”


Kwang-Yeong SHIN (President of the East Asian Sociological Association, Chung-Ang University, Korea), “Different Past, Common Future”


Discussants: Chong-Koo LEE (Sungkonghoe University) and Chunguang WANG(Institute of Sociology, CASS)


Lunch: Sarsha (Hosted by the Korean Sociological Association)


Farewell Dinner

Time: 17:00-19:00

Venue: Ganggangsullae in Sillim (Hosted by President of EASA)






Information of the Organizational Committee



Hyun-Chin Lim

Affiliation: Founding Director of Seoul National University Asia Center, Seoul National University




Kwang-Young Shin

Affiliation: President of the East Asian Sociological Association, Chung-Ang University




Wonho Jang

Affiliation: President of the Korean Social Science Research Council, University of Seoul



Suk-Ki Kong

Affiliation: Seoul National University Asia Center



Donggen Ye

Affiliation: Pukyong National University



Ji-Young Kim

Affiliation: University of Seoul




Seoyeon Nam

Affiliation: Seoul National University Asia Center



Seowon Kim

Affiliation: Seoul National University Asia Center



Hyunseok Lee

Affiliation: Seoul National University Asia Center



Yujin Jung

Affiliation: Seoul National University Asia Center




서울대 아시아연구소는 지난 9월 10~11일 양일에 거쳐 “Vision of Post-Western Sociology from East Asia”라는 주제로 제3차 Post-Western Sociology (PWS) 국제학술회의를 개최하였다. PWS(탈서구 사회학)는 서구 중심의 전통적 사회학에 대한 관습적 의존현상에 대한 비판적 검토를 지향한다. PWS는 서구사회학을 인정하지만, 이는 창의적인 방식으로 서구사회학을 비판적으로 수용하는 접근전략을 의미한다. 이런 문제의식에 공감하는 동아시아 지역의 사회학자들이 공동으로 국제학술회의를 중국, 프랑스 그리고 한국에서 학술회의를 이어오고 있다. 이번 학술회의는 임현진 아시아연구소 창립소장/ 서울대 사회학과 명예교수가 조직위원장을 맡으면서 학술회의 규모(참여자, 국가, 주제 등)가 기존 회의를 압도할 정도로 준비되어 진행되었다. 중국 10명, 일본 5명, 프랑스 4명, 이탈리아 1명, 그리고 한국 22명 등 총 42명이 참여하였다. 서울대 아시아연구소가 학술행사를 주도적으로 조직하였고, 동아시아사회학회, 한국사회학회, 한국사회과학협의회, 미래인력연구원, 아시아연구소 메가아시아사업단이 공동주최자로서 학술회의 주제 발표와 토론을 풍성하게 만들었다. 또한 교내외 기관(서울대 총장실, 사회과학대학 학장실, 한국학중앙연구원, 서울시교육청, 그리고 풍산)의 지원으로 참여자 간의 네크워크 형성과 향후 연구 협력을 논의할 수 있었다.

이번 학술회의는 기조 발제에서 4인(Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Shujiro Yazawa, Hyun-Chin Lim, Lizhong Xie)의 탈서구 사회학을 위한 도전적인 연구 및 방법론에 대한 제언을 소개하였다. 그뿐만 아니라 총 7개의 주제-Well-being, Post-Western Sociology, Community and City, Regional Development, Social Structure, Culture, Postmodern and Post-Western East Asia-를 중심으로 세션이 구성되었고, 각 세션은 다양하고 흥미로운 발표와 토론이 진행되었다. 특히 각 세션은 동아시아가 경험한 과거, 공동의 미래를 위한 새로운 도전들에 적극 나설 것을 함께 고민하는 소중한 시간이었다. 향후 2026년 일본에서 개최되는 동아시아사회학회 국제학술회의 그리고 2027년 7월 광주에서 개최되는 세계사회학회에서 이번 논의를 토대로 더욱 풍성한 연구와 연구협력의 결과가 발표될 수 있기를 기대하며 학술회의를 마쳤다.



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