조규훈 박사

조규훈 박사

아시아연구소 국제교류부 선임연구원

전공 및 관심 연구 분야

Religious Studies

아시아의 전통들, 세속주의, 초국경 종교네트워크, 종교정치, 지구화

홈페이지: https://snu-kr.academia.edu/KyuhoonCho


  • Postdoctoral Fellow (2014-2016), School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University
  • Postdoctoral Fellow (2013-2014), Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
  • Visiting Scholar (2011-2013), Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia
  • Instructor (2010), Department of Classics and Religious Studies, University of Ottawa

Edited Volume

2017    “Religion and Media in Korea” (with Sam Han and Jin Kyu Park), Journal of Korean Religions 8(2), (A&HCI).



2018    “Science, State, and Spirituality: Stories of Four Creationists in South Korea” (with Hyung Wook Park), History of Science (SSCI).

2017   “Religion and Media: No Longer A Blindspot in Korean Academia” (with Jin Kyu Park and Sam Han), “Religion and Media in Korea,” Journal of Korean Religions 8(2), pp. 5-10. (A&HCI)

2017    “Religion in the Press: The Construction of Religion in the Korean News Media,” Journal of Korean Religions 8(2), pp. 61-89. (A&HCI)

2016    “Religion and the Sustainable Modern: The Crisis of Modern Secularity and the Emergence of Contextual Transcendence,” Studies in Religion 76(3) [Chonggyo yŏn’gu], pp. 125-156. (KCI)

2016    “Protestantism, Education and the Nation: The Shifting Location of Protestant Schools in Modern Korea,” Acta Koreana 19(1), pp. 99-131. (A&HCI)

2014     “Another Christian Right? The Politicization of Korean Protestantism in

Contemporary Global Society,” Social Compass 61(3), pp. 310-327. (SSCI)

2014    “Niklas Luhmann’s Theory on Religion: Religion as Autopoietic Communication System in Global Society,” The Critical Review of Religion and Culture [Chonggyo munhwa pip’yŏng] 26 (September), pp. 230-259. (KCI)


Ob-Ed Articles

2017    “North Korea in the Eyes of the Nordic Region and China”, The Newsletter 78(Autumn), IIAS (International Institute for Asian Studies), p. 18.

2017    “Fine Dust Issues in Northeast Asia”, The Newsletter 77(Summer), IIAS (International Institute for Asian Studies), p. 18.

2017    “Tourism in Korea, China, and Japan”, The Newsletter 76(Spring), IIAS (International Institute for Asian Studies), p. 18.


In progress “The Formation of Religion in Korea: Diversity, Globalization, Modernities”

2018    “Muslims in Contemporary South Korea: Islamic Religion and the Cultural Politics of Ethnicity” in Yuka Kobayashi eds. Muslim Minorities in East Asia: Accommodation and Contestation in the Lived Experience of East Asian Muslims (Amsterdam University Press/University of Chicago Press), (Refereed).

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