노재연 박사

노재연 박사


국제무역/ 국제무역정책/ FTA


서울대학교 경제학부 박사 (2019. 08.)



아시아연구소 아시아-글로벌 경제질서팀 보조연구원 (2013. 03. 01 ~ 2016. 08. 31.)

숙명여대 (국제무역론), 숭실대 (국제무역론), 한국방송통신대 (재정학, 한국경제의 이해) 강의


논문 (최근 3)

– 연구 논문: Roh, Jaeyoun and Park, Jee-Hyeong (2014), “A Political Economy Analysis of Rules of Origin Requirements of Korea-US FTA with a New Measure of the Requirements”, The Korean Economic Review, Volume 30 (1), p163-190


– 학위 논문: Roh, Jaeyoun (2016), “The Effects of Pre-existing FTAs with Asymmetric Third Countries on the Formation of a New FTA:, Seoul National University


– 단행본: 박지형, 노재연 (2014), “국제통상체제의 원산지 규정: 현황과 문제점”, 서울대 아시아 연구소 세계 속의 아시아연구 시리즈 006


2014.6 “The U.S.’s Economic Disengagement Policy and Korea’s Industrial Transformation: Implications of the Textile Disputes (1969-1971) for the Quasi-Alliance in East Asia,” Seoul Journal of Korean Studies. Vol 27, no.1, pp 115-136


2012.12 이승만 대통령 영문서한 번역집 I, 국가기록원 대통령기록관 (공역)

Co-translation, The New Green History of the World by Clive Ponting, 2010. Seoul: Gumulco

Booknote: History, Knowledge, and Society: Interpretations of the Korean War after the Kwangju Uprising (Yo˘ ksa wa chisik kwa sahoe: Han’guk cho˘ njaeng ihae wa Han’guk sahoe) by Myung-Lim Park (Pak Myo˘ngnim). P’aju: Nanam, 2011. 487pp. Seoul Journal of Korean Studies Vol.24 No.2, 2011.12, pp 355-356

Book note: Division Hysteria: The US-China relationship seen through official documents and the Korean peninsula (Pundan ŭi hisŭt’eria: Konggae munsŏ ro ponŭn Mi-jung gwan’gye wa Hanbando) by Hong Sŏngnyul, Seoul 2012, 500 pp. in Seoul Journal of Korean Studies vol. 25, no. 1 (2012.6) pp.167-169

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