Why Nuclear Disarmament Is Imperative (Douglas Roche)

The threat of nuclear weapons is one of the most serious issues that humankind faces. In this respect, the world leadership gives us heart that the long struggle to rid the world of nuclear weapons is gaining a foothold on the international agenda. Particularly, U.S. President Barak Obama’s initiative on


2010년 3월 10일 - 10:00 am


2010년 3월 10일 - 12:00 pm


서울대학교 롯데국제교육관 소회의실 (207호)

The threat of nuclear weapons is one of the most serious issues that humankind faces. In this respect, the world leadership gives us heart that the long struggle to rid the world of nuclear weapons is gaining a foothold on the international agenda. Particularly, U.S. President Barak Obama’s initiative on the nuclear disarmament issue becomes new hope to the world. Calls for achievement of a nuclear weapons-free world have continued to pour in from other quarters as well, notably the Five-Point Proposal of U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. In particular, the Republic of Korea is playing a crucial role in the stabilization of North-East Asia in terms of Nuclear Weapon Free Zone. A regional zone could contribute to the sustainable denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

The proliferation of nuclear weapons must be stopped. But proliferation is inevitable as long as the nuclear weapons states maintain their nuclear weapons, even in reduced numbers. President Obama seems to raise hopes for nuclear weapons free world. However, can we expect that he will stay the course on abolition? Many defenders try to settle for the elimination of nuclear weapons as a good idea that we must work to achieve “eventually” while maintaining the doctrine of nuclear deterrence in the meantime. However, in retaining “eventual,” nuclear defenders will so solidify the justification for nuclear weapons that proliferation is bound to occur.

The idea that it will be satisfactory just to have fewer nuclear weapons held by nations that claim to be stable must be discarded. As Slavery, nuclear weapons are a social evil, in fact the ultimate evil. Therefore, what is required is an irreversible commitment by all states to achieve a world free from nuclear weapons. A global treaty banning the production as well as deployment of nuclear weapons would be a starting point.

주제: Why Nuclear Disarmament Is Imperative
일시:2010년 3월 10일 (수) 10:00~12:00
장소:서울대학교 롯데국제교육관 소회의실 (207호)
발표: Douglas Roche (Senator, Member of Parliament, Canadian Ambassador for Disarmament, and Visiting Professor at the University of Alberta; Chairman of the UN Disarmament Committee at the 43rd General Assembly in 1988)

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