아시아도시사회센터 | [국제 학술대회] Gentrification in the Context of East Asian Developmental Urbanization
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[국제 학술대회] Gentrification in the Context of East Asian Developmental Urbanization

[국제 학술대회] Gentrification in the Context of East Asian Developmental Urbanization

  • 일시: 2016년 4월 27일 – 30일
  • 장소: 서울대 아시아연구소 304호
  • 발표: 시진위(공동연구원), “State Transformation, Policy Learning, and Exclusive Displacement in the Process of Urban Redevelopment in Taiwan”
  • 발표: Asato Saito(공동연구원), “Urban Re-centralization and its Implication upon Local Community: Findings from Tokyo and Osaka Survey”
  • 발표: 신현방(공동연구원), “Economic Transition and Speculative Urbanisation in China: Gentrification versus Dispossession”