04 4월 [Article] 중산층 프로젝트로서 ‘분당 만들기’
장세훈, 중산층 프로젝트로서 ‘분당 만들기’...
장세훈, 중산층 프로젝트로서 ‘분당 만들기’...
Hae, Laam Traveling Policy: Place Marketing and the Neoliberal Turn of Urban Studies in South Korea...
Hsu, Jinn‐Yuh State transformation and the evolution of economic nationalism in the East Asian developmental state: the Taiwanese semiconductor industry as case study...
황진태(Jin-Tae Hwang) Changing South Korean Water Policy after Political and Economic Liberalisation...
김은혜, 박배균 일본원자력복합체와 토건국가...
김은혜, 1990년대 중반 이후 일본의 도심회귀와 젠트리피케이션...
Hsu, J.-Y. ; Gimm, D.-W. ; Glassman, J. A tale of two industrial zones: A geopolitical economy of differential development in Ulsan, South Korea, and Kaohsiung, Taiwan...
Hwang, Jin‐Tae ; Lee, Sang‐Hun ; Müller‐Mahn, Detlef Multi‐Scalar Practices of the Korean State in Global Climate Politics: The Case of the Global Green Growth Institute...
황진태(Hwang, Jin-Tae) The Chun Doo-Hwan Authoritarian Regime’s Securitisation of Water: The Case of the Peace Dam, South Korea...
Park, Hyeng-Joon ; Doucette, Jamie Financialization or capitalization? Debating capitalist power in South Korea in the context of neoliberal globalization...