아시아도시사회센터 | 박양범Yangbeom Park
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박양범Yangbeom Park


박양범 (너구리)
연구보조원, 서울대학교 아시아연구소 도시사회센터


Research Assistant, Center for Asian Urban Societies


철학을 좋아하는 지리학자다. 그래서인지 알베르 까뮈의 시지프 신화를 가장 재미있게 읽었다. 돌을, 산 정상으로, 영원히 굴려도, 계속 제자리인 시지프처럼, 평생 일해도 가난해지기 쉬운 이유를 알고 싶어 공부를 시작했다. 현재 연구 관심사는 정치생태학, 정치지리, 에너지 전환, 지속가능성, 커먼즈 등이다. 조만간 박사과정에 들어가 새로운 돌을 굴리고 싶다.


I would like to define myself as a political geographer with specific research interests in human-environment relations and political-ecological issues. And now, I am working as a research assistant at CAUS. Actually, I introduced myself above as a geographer, but I fell in love with philosophy. That’s why I enjoyed reading Albert Camus’ ‘Myth of Sisyphus’ the most. Like Sisyphus, who keeps rolling a stone to the top of a mountain, forever, and still stays in the same place, I started my studies because I want to know why it is so easy to work a lifetime and still be poor. My current research interests include political ecology, political geography, energy transitions, sustainability, and commons. For now, I am about to start my PhD program – start rolling new stones.


You can find my CV at this link:

Also, feel free to ask me (pyb2221@snu.ac.kr) if you have any questions.


J. Hwang & Y. Park., 2024, “A Brief Conversation on the Current Stage of Korean Political Ecology Research”, Space & Society, 34(1), 234-246. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19097/kaser.2024.34.1.234

B-G. Park & Y. Park., 2023, “Socio-cultural Processes and Hegemonic Territoriality of Gangnam-ization: Exploring Alternative perspectives on Speculative Urbanization”, Space & Society, 33(4), 8-53. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19097/kaser.2023.33.4.8