아시아도시사회센터 | 황진태 Jin-Tae Hwang
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황진태 Jin-Tae Hwang


성명: 황진태(黃鎭台)

이메일: dchjt@naver.com


현재 소속: 서울대 아시아연구소 SSK아시아도시사회센터 선임연구원 (2016년 3월부터)


학사: 동국대 지리교육과 2002년 3월 2일 입학-2008년 2월 22일 졸업

석사: 서울대 사회교육과 지리전공 2008년 3월 1일-2010년 2월 26일 졸업(논문제목: 지역성장연합과 스케일의 정치가 세계도시 서울의 형성과정에 미친 영향: 동대문디자인플라자 & 파크 프로젝트를 사례로), 지도교수: 박배균  

최종박사학위: 독일 본(Bonn) 대학 지리학과 2014년 10월 1일-2015년 7월 20일 졸업(논문제목: A study of the state-nature relations in a developmental state: The case of South Korea’s water resources policy, 1961-2015), 지도교수:  Detlef Müller-Mahn



April. 2016-present   Research Fellow, SNUAC (Seoul National University Asia Center)

Sep. 2015-Feb. 2016  Visiting Scholar, SNUAC



Department of Geography, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany

Ph. D. August 2015, Advisor: Detlef Müller-Mahn

Dissertation title: A study of the state-nature relations in a developmental state: The case of South Korea’s water resource policy, 1961-2015

Department of Geography Education, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea

M.A. February 2011, Advisor: Bae-Gyoon Park

Thesis title: The impacts of the local growth coalition and politics of scale on formative process of Seoul as a global City: The case of Dongdaemun Design Plaza & Park

Department of Geography Education, Dongguk University, Seoul, South Korea

B.A. February 2008 (2002-07 )


Research interest

  • Globalization and geography in East Asia and East Africa
  • Environmental policy and environmental governance in East Asia and East Africa  
  • Developmental state and developmental urbanism
  • Politics of local economic development
  • Risk and riskscape

Jin-Tae Hwang · Sang-Hun Lee · Detlef Müller-Mahn. 2017. Multi-scalar practices of the Korean state in global climate politics: the case of the Global Green Growth Institute. Antipode. 49(3). 657-676.

Jin-Tae Hwang. 2017. Changing South Korean water policy after political and economic liberalization. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 47(2): 225-246.

Jin-Tae Hwang. 2015. A study of the state-nature relations in a developmental state: The water resource policy of the Park Jung-Hee regime, 1961-79. Environment and Planning A. 47(9): 1926-1943.


show more publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=BdAbRRsAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao