Cold War Crucible – The Korean Conflict and the Postwar World

Date: April 19th, Tuesday, 2022 15:00 – 17:00 Online via Zoom Speaker: Masuda Hajimu (National University of Singapore) Moderator: Heonik Kwon (SNUAC) What was the Cold War? Cold War Crucible is an inquiry into the very nature of the conflict. It traces the Cold War’s metamorphosis during the Korean War from a diplomatic stand-off among policymakers to an ordinary people’s war at home through examining not only centers of policymaking, but seeming aftereffects of Cold War politics during the Korean War: The Red Purge in Japan, the White Terror in Taiwan, Suppression of counterrevolutionaries in China, the crackdown on “un-Filipino” activities in the Philippines, and McCarthyism in the United States. While these events have been usually examined separately and are commonly considered aftereffects of the global Cold War, the book re-defines these events as parts of a global phenomenon of … Continue reading Cold War Crucible – The Korean Conflict and the Postwar World