아시아연구소 홈페이지 아시아연구소 뉴스레터 한국사회과학자료원
[아시아 자본주의 특별강연] Demand-led Capitalism: Implications for South Korean Manufacturers

Demand-led Capitalism: Implications for South Korean Manufacturers

Starting in the 1960s, the world economy began an organizational shift from national economies prioritizing production to a global economy that has become ever more sensitive to consumption. This global transformation was driven by the rise of large retailers and factory-less merchandisers that ordered goods that they sold from contract manufacturers, especially those located in Asia. The pace of this transformation rapidly increased after the 1980s, when a combination of events and innovations allowed global capitalism to take precedence over national economic development. The presentation will summarize this ongoing transformation and emphasize the dilemma it poses for large chaebol that depend on export manufacturing to sustain their businesses.


Gary Hamilton


Gary G. Hamilton is a Professor Emeritus of International Studies at the University of Washington. He held a joint appointment in the Department of Sociology. He specializes in historical/comparative sociology, economic sociology, and organizational sociology. He also specializes in Asian societies, with particular emphasis on East Asian societies. He has received a number of honors, including a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Fulbright Fellowship and a Fellowship from The Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. He is an author of numerous articles and books, including most recently Emergent Economies, Divergent Paths, Economic Organization and International Trade in South Korea and Taiwan (with Robert Feenstra) (Cambridge University Press, 2006), Commerce and Capitalism in Chinese Societies (London: Routledge, 2006), and The Market Makers: How Retailers Are Changing the Global Economy (co-editor and contributor, Oxford University Press, 2011; paperback 2012). His book with his co-author, Kao Cheng-shu, entitled Making Money: Taiwanese Industrialists and the Making of the New Global Economy (forthcoming Stanford University Press, 2017) is in press.


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