아시아연구소 홈페이지 아시아연구소 뉴스레터 한국사회과학자료원
SNUAC 브라운백 세미나 시리즈 #4

Aesthetics and Politics of South Korean Advertising

In order to establish an Asian research network, expand future research cooperation, and stimulate communication among center colleagues, Seoul National University Asia Center holds brown bag seminars at Asia Center 3F concourse every Thursday at 12pm. 

Professor Fedorenko from the Department of Anthropology will be presenting the fourth brown bag seminar on April 26th. She will be presenting <Aesthetics and Politics of South Korean Advertising>. 

In South Korea, the local cultural ideal of advertising (captured by the popular cliché “advertising, the flower of capitalism”) historically downplayed its marketing purposes and privileged its potential for promoting virtue and enabling diverse mass media, whether or not those public-service commitments accommodated the business interests of advertisers. This vision came under attack with neoliberalization in the 1990s, and deregulatory efforts culminated in 2008, when freedom to advertise was recognized as constitutionally protected. This talk considers the origins of the local attitudes toward advertising, introduces some of their notable manifestations, and explores challenges of committing advertising to public service in the twenty-first century South Korea.

일시: April 26, 2018 (Th) 12:00 ~ 13:00
장소: Concourse(3F), SNUAC(Bldg#101)
문의: Heejin Choi / +82-2-880-2693 / heejinchoi@snu.ac.kr


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